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My Cuz

‘My Cuz’

Season 8, Episode 16 - Aired April 22, 2009

J.D. is uncomfortable when he learns that Kim is now dating Elliot's ex-boyfriend Sean. Meanwhile, Carla tells Turk to apply for the Chief of Surgery job, and Dr. Kelso checks in to the hospital with a stomach bug.

Quote from J.D.

J.D.: [v.o.] After a weekend with Sam, it's always sad driving him the 37 minutes back to Kim's house. Still, there was one positive. Elliot's a bit territorial. So if I got any physical contact from Kim.
Kim: Oh, your collar is messed up.
J.D.: [v.o.] On the way home, Elliot made me pull over for car sex. I know I shouldn't exploit her insecurities. But car sex really appeals to my exhibitionist side.
Elliot: Here we are. That bitch better watch her hands. Hi, Kim.
Kim: J.D., you have fuzz in your hair.
J.D.: [v.o.] I know. I put it there.


Quote from J.D.

Kim: I need to tell you guys something.
J.D.: [v.o.] It didn't matter what Kim had to say. Elliot was already in car sex mode.
Elliot: Yeah, to save time, I'll probably just take off my underwear here.
J.D.: Whatever is good for you.
J.D.: [v.o.] Nothing could stop this train.
Kim: Ta-da!
Elliot: Sean?
J.D.: [v.o.] You know, unless Kim was dating Elliot's stupid ex-boyfriend.
Sean: Hey, Elliot. J.D.
J.D.: Sean.

Quote from Carla

Turk: I'd be great at that job.
Carla: Then go for it.
Turk: Chief of Surgery?
Carla: Baby, one of the most amazing things about you is that when you want something badly enough, you always make it happen. Remember when you first started working here and I had no interest in dating you, what did you do?
Turk: I made it happen.
Carla: And what about when I had no interest in marrying you?
Turk: I made it happen.
Carla: Go make this happen.
Turk: I'm doing it. Even though you didn't use to like me, I'm your world now, right?
Carla: My whole word.
Turk: That's what I'm talking about.

Quote from Janitor

Todd: How was your honeymoon? Did you know that Kelso stayed in the Bahamas too?
[flashback to the Janitor and Lady sitting on the beach:]
Lady: I love you.
Janitor: I love you too. [they kiss]
Dr. Kelso: [sits up] Let's never leave.
Janitor: Yeah, we saw him.

Quote from Janitor

Dr. Kelso: Yeah, I'm sorry. I was so blitzed with rum drinks I could barely remember where I was. I feel horrible.
Janitor: Oh no, stop it. At first, you were like the third wheel from hell, but then we made you do stuff. Made you pay for our meals. Got you in a couple bar fights. On the beach, we bet you you couldn't eat a starfish.
Dr. Kelso: And?
Janitor: I owe you a buck.
Dr. Kelso: So you had fun with it?
Janitor: Oh, yeah.
Dr. Kelso: Good.

Quote from Elliot

J.D.: I just don't understand how you two even met. Did someone introduce you?
[Kim and Sean look at Elliot]
Elliot: I love you? Sweetie, it was over a year ago. You and I weren't even together. I figured at most they could end up friends.
Kim: Well, you also told me he was great in the sack.
Elliot: Kim, I will kill you.
J.D.: [gasps]
Elliot: He's not, sweetie. [mouths] You are.

Quote from J.D.

Elliot: They're coming by for lunch so we can air everything outand get past all this weirdness.
J.D.: Sean's coming here? You don't realize how much it sucks to spend time with someone you used to sleep with.
Elliot: You used to sleep with Kim, and I have to see her every week.
J.D.: That's totally different.
Elliot: How?
J.D.: I don't know, Elliott. I'm not some genius that knows why things that seem the same are actually very different.
Elliot: Be crazier. Did you put on that cologne I hate to punish me?
J.D.: That's insane.
J.D.: [v.o.] Insanely true.

Quote from Turk

Turk: Now, I know I gave all of you 5-1 odds, but no one stitches an orange faster than me. No one. I am a god. Done.

Quote from Dr. Kelso

Carla: How are you feeling?
Dr. Kelso: Not great.But now, when I hurl, I've been trying to say the names of my favorite novels so that's fun. Look. I'm sure I just have an enterovirus, so order me 40 cc of...
Carla: No, you are not a doctor here anymore. You will not treat yourself. I'm sticking the interns on you.
Dr. Kelso: Oh, come on! [Sunny and Howie enter] Hi. What happened to your sleeve there, Tex?
Howie: I sewed on orange on to it.
Dr. Kelso: I'll take the foreigner.
Sunny: Yay, I'm so happy!

Quote from J.D.

Kim: I dropped Sam off at the daycare upstairs and they seemed really good with him, didn't they?
Sean: Yep, they were good. They were good. It was good group of people.
J.D.: Oh, good good.
Sean: Good things are good. So it's good.
J.D.: Stop saying "good", Sean. You sound like an ass.
Sean: You said it too. He said "good".
J.D.: No I didn't, Sean. Can you believe this guy?
Elliot: I need to talk to Kim. Let's divide up.
Kim: I vote yes.
Sean: You said "good".
J.D.: Nobody cares, Sean. Nobody cares.

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