J.D. Quote #1743

Quote from J.D. in My Cuz

Kim: I dropped Sam off at the daycare upstairs and they seemed really good with him, didn't they?
Sean: Yep, they were good. They were good. It was good group of people.
J.D.: Oh, good good.
Sean: Good things are good. So it's good.
J.D.: Stop saying "good", Sean. You sound like an ass.
Sean: You said it too. He said "good".
J.D.: No I didn't, Sean. Can you believe this guy?
Elliot: I need to talk to Kim. Let's divide up.
Kim: I vote yes.
Sean: You said "good".
J.D.: Nobody cares, Sean. Nobody cares.


 ‘My Cuz’ Quotes

Quote from Dr. Kelso

Barista: Folks, I'm sorry but we have to close. Our pastry maker was just admitted to the hospital with a highly contagious intestinal virus.
Dr. Kelso: [finishing his fifth muffin] What the hell. I'm already in it.
Dr. Kelso: Hi, I need to check myself in.
Nurse: For what?
Dr. Kelso: [vomits] For that.

Quote from Dr. Cox

Dr. Cox: You know what sucks? I have to hire a new Chief or Surgery. And I just can't fathom giving any of you tiny-brained scalpel jockeys a leadership position. Honestly, so far, this is the only candidate who I'm seriously considering. The guy has the opposable thumbs so you automatically know he can handle the job. And, well, I was just thinking if you slap a diaper on him and maybe tape some glasses to his face, sure as shooting he'll look professional enough. Do you know what? I'm gonna call the gentleman.

Quote from Janitor

Todd: So how's married life?
Janitor: You have to make compromises. Like my wife's allergic to raccoons, so I had to throw out my comforter.