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Mary Loves Scoochie: Part Two

‘Mary Loves Scoochie: Part Two’

Season 6, Episode 18 - Aired May 15, 2001

Dick tries to win back Mary from her secret admirer, Scoochie (Dr. Liam Neesam), who has plans for Earth. Meanwhile, Sally, Harry and Tommy rent Arthur.

Quote from Harry

Dick: Liam, Planet Monkey World is a fantastic idea, but it's missing something essential.
Dr. Liam Neesam: Now, don't say bluegrass music, 'cause that'll be covered at the Country Monkey Jamboree.
Dick: No. No, no, no. You're missing the real earth, like the happiness in a child's eyes when a loving parent tucks him in safe at night.
Sally: Or the wonder of two young lovers as they stroll down the beach, dreaming of what is yet to be.
Tommy: Or the quiet contentment of a couple in their autumn years as they sit and reflect on a life well-spent together.
Harry: Or hookers. Cheap, painted hookers.
Dr. Liam Neesam: I see. You're trying to make me feel something for humanity so I'll bag the whole Monkey World plan. Well, let me just check. No. Nothing.
Harry: Oh! Well, we tried. I guess I'm gonna go watch Arthur before Arthur turns into a monkey.


Quote from Dick

Dick: Liam, are you here to say goodbye? Want a hug?
Dr. Liam Neesam: No, no. I just came by to let you know that plans have changed a bit.
Dick: They have? How?
Dr. Liam Neesam: Well, I'm leaning towards going ahead with this Planet Monkey World thing again.
Dick: But- But what about last night?
Dr. Liam Neesam: Oh, last night was beautiful! I felt things here I've never felt before in my life. It was absolutely wonderful. But I slept on it and... it doesn't really hold up, you know? So, Planet Monkey World is a go. I thought I'd start here at Pendelton. Have you got a campus map anywhere?
Dick: Oh! [sings falsetto] Once in your life you find her Someone who turns your heart around And next thing you know You're closing-
Dr. Liam Neesam: Oh, why run through all that Arthur nonsense? I think he's a terrible wanker.

Quote from Dick

Dick: [grabs a devolver] Aha! I've got you now!
Dr. Liam Neesam: That's not the real devolver. Do you think I'd be stupid enough to give you the real devolver? This is the real devolver.
Dick: Oh, it's beautiful. Can I see it?
Dr. Liam Neesam: Mm-hmm. [gives Dick a second devolver]
Dick: Aha! I've got you now!
Dr. Liam Neesam: I said, do you think I'd be stupid enough to give you the real devolver? The real devolver's in my pants pocket. Uh... see?
Dick: Are you sure that's the real devolver?
Dr. Liam Neesam: What?
Dick: Well, you said it was in your pants pocket, but then you got it out of your jacket pocket.
Dr. Liam Neesam: So I did. Well... That's rather embarrassing. I seem to have lost track of the real devolver. Um, do either of yours say "real devolver" on the top there in yellow letters?
Dick: No. I don't think so.
Dr. Liam Neesam: Oh, that's funny. [Dick tries on devolver and throws it in the trash] Well, how on earth did that happen? [Dick tries the other and throws it away] Where's the other one? I took the label off and I put it in the...
Dick: Do you want me to hold that one for you?
Dr. Liam Neesam: Yes. [hands Dick the third devolver] Um... Oh, I remember! I took it out of the fridge and I put it in there, 'cause I had my wallet in my pants pocket, so it's in... It's in the... [sees Dick aiming the devolver at him] Oh, could I have that? [Mary enters]
Dick: Stay where you are. Goodbye, Liam.
Dr. Liam Neesam: Oh, I say!
[Dick uses the devolver to transform Dr. Liam Neesam into a monkey. Mary gasps]

Quote from Dick

Dr. Liam Neesam: Stop worrying. I didn't come all the way to earth for your sloppy seconds. And since you're an alien, I can explain it to you. You see, I'm using Mary as a cover for my master plan to devolve all human beings into monkeys.
Dick: Oh! Oh, what a relief! I thought you were here to sleep with my lady. [chuckles] Uh... What was that about monkeys?
Dr. Liam Neesam: Well, I'm here to devolve all human beings into monkeys, you see, and then turn the earth into a giant theme park called Planet Monkey World.
Dick: Planet Monkey World? Why, that's appalling! How can you do this? I weep for humans! Has Mary agreed to this?
Dr. Liam Neesam: Yes, although she doesn't know all the details, like the end of the world, et cetera.
Dick: I'm sorry, Liam, but I'm telling Mary about this right now.
Dr. Liam Neesam: In that case, I shall be forced to tell her that you're an alien.
Dick: That's not fair! You've had more time to think this out than I have!
Dr. Liam Neesam: [points to drink] This is awfully good, you know.

Quote from Dick

Mary: No! Stop! Please don't kill him! Liam, what are you doing here?
Dr. Liam Neesam: I'm Scoochie.
Mary: You're the one who's been writing me love letters for the past three years? I thought you'd forgotten me.
Dr. Liam Neesam: Forgotten you? One of my most cherished memories is the two of us co-mingling on your butcher block.
Dick: No. No, no. I'm Scoochie. Mary, this man's an imposter.
Dr. Liam Neesam: Now, we know that the real Scoochie is a master of verse, so why don't we settle this with a little off-the-cuff verbal jousting? [crowd cheers and applauds]
Dick: Now... to me, off-the-cuff verbal jousting is a dish best served written in advance.
Dr. Liam Neesam: Are you declining my challenge? [crowd boos and hisses]
Dick: No. Not at all. Let the verbal jab-fest begin. But you go first.
Dr. Liam Neesam: Oh. Very well. [throws axe into the crowd] Of all the hours in a day, the only time is you. You are the beat of my breath. You are the wine in my blood. You... are Mary.
Mary: Oh! [crowd applauds and whistles]

Quote from Dick

Tommy: Well, is he back to destroy the world?
Dick: He's back to destroy my world. Liam is Scoochie.
Sally: What?
Dick: Yes! And Scoochie is from Team X!
Harry: No way!
Dick: The Probie wasn't enough for him. Now he wants to steal my Mary.

Quote from Dick

Dr. Liam Neesam: Well, thank you all very much for being here. As you represent our targeted alien consumers, any suggestions you have in this focus group will be very much appreciated. Back in a moment with you. [exits]
Dick: Now, remember, don't hold back. It's vital to the survival of the human race that you tell him how much you hate this plan.
Sally: Yeah. Got it.
Harry: Okay.
Dr. Liam Neesam: [returns] Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Planet Monkey World. [overlapping chatter]
Harry: Ooh!
Sally: Wow!
Dick: Lame, lame!
Dr. Liam Neesam: No, hear me out. I mean, Planet Monkey World is based on a simple premise: monkeys are funny. Picture Beethoven's 5th at Carnegie Hall. Boring! Now, picture it played by 120 classically trained monkeys. [all except Dick laugh] You go to a store to buy a monkey wrench and it is sold to you by a monkey.

Quote from Dick

Dick: This is horrible! We've got to find some way to stop Liam! His plan will obliterate humanity!
Tommy: If only he wasn't so cold-hearted. If he only cared about people and earth like we do.
Dick: Wait. Tommy, that's it! Liam is in a human body. He must have human emotions. We can exploit that.
Sally: Yeah. If we get him to feel sympathy for humans, maybe he'll think twice about turning them into monkeys.

Quote from Dick

♫ Arthur, he does as he pleases ♫
Dr. Liam Neesam: See, just like Arthur, I do as I please.
♫ Deep in his heart, he's just He's just a boy ♫
Dr. Liam Neesam: I've always fancied that at heart, I'm a child. Tell me, he has a drinking problem?
♫ Showing himself a really good time ♫
Dr. Liam Neesam: Well, with a healthy attitude like that, he must have a reasonable chance of beating this alcohol thing. I mean, is he in it alone or what?
Sally: Oh, no. He's got the love of Liza Minelli to help him through.
Dr. Liam Neesam: You know that happened to me recently. This is extraordinary. This Arthur thing is all about me, and suddenly I feel this odd mix of joy and sorrow, of hope and despair, of triumph and tragedy.
Dick: Yes, Liam, that's... that's humanity.
Dr. Liam Neesam: But it's wonderful!
Dick: Does this mean that you're scrapping Planet Monkey World?
Dr. Liam Neesam: Oh, screw Planet- What happened? I feel so alive. [kisses Dick and exits]

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