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Quote from Dick in Mary Loves Scoochie: Part Two

Dr. Liam Neesam: Stop worrying. I didn't come all the way to earth for your sloppy seconds. And since you're an alien, I can explain it to you. You see, I'm using Mary as a cover for my master plan to devolve all human beings into monkeys.
Dick: Oh! Oh, what a relief! I thought you were here to sleep with my lady. [chuckles] Uh... What was that about monkeys?
Dr. Liam Neesam: Well, I'm here to devolve all human beings into monkeys, you see, and then turn the earth into a giant theme park called Planet Monkey World.
Dick: Planet Monkey World? Why, that's appalling! How can you do this? I weep for humans! Has Mary agreed to this?
Dr. Liam Neesam: Yes, although she doesn't know all the details, like the end of the world, et cetera.
Dick: I'm sorry, Liam, but I'm telling Mary about this right now.
Dr. Liam Neesam: In that case, I shall be forced to tell her that you're an alien.
Dick: That's not fair! You've had more time to think this out than I have!
Dr. Liam Neesam: [points to drink] This is awfully good, you know.

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