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D3: Judgement Day

‘D3: Judgement Day’

Season 4, Episode 7 - Aired November 11, 1998

Dick is desperate to get out of his relationship with Dr. Jennifer Ravelli (Laurie Metcalf), until he realizes it gives him leverage with Mary who also wants to get back together. Meanwhile, Don takes Sally bowling.

Quote from Dick

Jennifer Ravelli: Oh, Dick. I came to Pendelton for its collection of rare books, but I found something much rarer-- the love of a good man.
Dick: Thanks. Thanks a lot.
Jennifer Ravelli: Well, I'm off to sing madrigals with my choral group. Are you sure you won't join me?
Dick: Uh, madrigals no, I don't think so.
Jennifer Ravelli: All right. I'll see you later then. [grabs Dick's ass]
Dick: Oh!
Jennifer Ravelli: Good-bye, all! [exits]
Sally: Good-bye, Jennifer.
Tommy: She's great, Dick.
Dick: Oh, yeah, she's great. There's just one problem really.
Sally: What's that?
Dick: I can't stand her!


Quote from Tommy

Dick: I miss Mary!
Sally: Oh, crap.
Dick: Mary and I were meant for each other. And now I've dumped her just because she was so busy being Dean. I've gotta get her back.
Harry: Well, but first you gotta get rid of Jennifer.
Dick: I know, but how?
Tommy: Well, you could treat her like you treated Mary. That seems to do irreparable damage.

Quote from Nina

Nina: Oh, no! Putting the You Back in Him? Not the self-help books!
Mary: Oh, I need help. I made a complete ass of myself.
Nina: So you got drunk and told him off. Big deal. You want him back, go get him.
Mary: I was the one that told him it was okay to see other people. Now I think that's a big red check in my guilt column.
Nina: Okay, you want him back?
Mary: Well, it just bothers me to see him with her.
Nina: Shut up! I said, do you want him back?
Mary: Yes.

Quote from Dick

Dick: "And so, Jennifer, lest there be any misunderstanding, let me repeat: I do not, cannot, and will not ever love you as long as we both shall live. With frosty aloofness, Dick Solomon." Now, that should do the trick.

Quote from Dick

Mary: I mean, I've just got to make myself more available to you.
Dick: Oh, yeah, that would be a must.
Mary: I- -I can't give you a lot of time , but I can give you quality time.
Dick: And seeing me with Jennifer made you realize this?
Mary: Yes, Dick.
Dick: I see. Well, let me explain something to you, Mary. Quality time is good, but Jennifer gives me quantity time. That means a lot of time, Mary. She puts me first. Me. Not her job. Something apparently you are not willing to do. [grabs the letter he wrote to Jennifer]
Mary: I am so too willing. It's just that you're being-
Dick: No, no, it hurts too much!
Mary: Oh, Dick!
Dick: I'm not saying that you should stop trying, but it will be hard. There are hurdles, Mary. Hurdles! Remember: hurdles!

Quote from Sally

Don: Where's Sally?
Sally: All right, Don, let's get outta here.
Don: Hey, Sally, are we going luging?
Sally: No, we're going bowling. Why?
Don: Well, because you're dressed like a big luger.
Sally: That's exactly right. Sleek, agile, aerodynamic, and dangerous. Let's bowl.

Quote from Sally

Don: Can I talk to you for a minute?
Sally: Yeah, but hurry up. I'm in the zone.
Don: Sally, have you ever- you ever heard of the term, "play by the rules"?
Sally: No.
Don: Well, the rule is, you know, you get a turn, and then I get a turn.
Sally: I don't like that rule. Hey, Don, what's the goal of bowling?
Don: Knock down the most pins.
Sally: And have I?
Don: Well, yes, Sally, but there's a certain thing called sportsmanship.
Sally: Freeze. 6-pin standing at 11 o'clock.
Don: Sally, that's not our lane!
Man: What the hell are you doing, lady?!
Sally: You left 'em unprotected. Get your head back in the game.

Quote from Dick

Jennifer Ravelli: Dick, with my allergies, I won't be able to eat anything here.
Dick: Uh-huh. [loudly] Oh, no! No, no, no! Mary's here. This is no good.
Jennifer Ravelli: Well, we'll go somewhere else.
Dick: No, no. I will not let her control my life. Sir, we would like a table as far away from that woman as possible.
Maitre 'D: Of course. How is the table by the window?
Dick: What, in the draft?
Maitre 'D: Well, what about next to the bar?
Dick: With all those drunken boors?
Maitre 'D: Well, I'm afraid that leaves this table here.
Dick: All right, but this is an outrage.

Quote from Dick

Dick: [to Mary] Listen, I don't want to interrupt your dinner. Jennifer and I will just sit over here and nuzzle. [nuzzles on Jennifer's ear]
Jennifer Ravelli: I can't understand a word you're saying.
Dick: So let's order.
Jennifer Ravelli: I don't know why you would bring me to a place like this. I'm allergic to everything on the menu.
Why, the butter alone- [grabs Jennifer's butt] Aah!
Dick: [chuckles] Oh, you.
[Dick turns away from Mary and gropes himself so it appears that Jennifer has her hands all over him]

Quote from Mary

Mary: Hi, Dick.
Dick: Mary. Gee, I hope last night at the restaurant wasn't too awkward for you.
Mary: Oh, not at all.
Dick: I don't know whether you noticed, but, uh, I was with Jennifer.
Mary: Uh huh. You had on a new jacket last night. I liked it.
Dick: Ooh, you did, huh? I found it on a bus. Pretty good fit, though, eh?
Mary: Very. But you always know what looks good on you.
Dick: Well, that's so true.
Mary: Have you been working out?
Dick: Oh, yeah.

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