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Quote from Dick in D3: Judgement Day

Mary: I mean, I've just got to make myself more available to you.
Dick: Oh, yeah, that would be a must.
Mary: I- -I can't give you a lot of time , but I can give you quality time.
Dick: And seeing me with Jennifer made you realize this?
Mary: Yes, Dick.
Dick: I see. Well, let me explain something to you, Mary. Quality time is good, but Jennifer gives me quantity time. That means a lot of time, Mary. She puts me first. Me. Not her job. Something apparently you are not willing to do. [grabs the letter he wrote to Jennifer]
Mary: I am so too willing. It's just that you're being-
Dick: No, no, it hurts too much!
Mary: Oh, Dick!
Dick: I'm not saying that you should stop trying, but it will be hard. There are hurdles, Mary. Hurdles! Remember: hurdles!

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