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A Nightmare on Dick Street: Part 1

‘A Nightmare on Dick Street: Part 1’

Season 2, Episode 25 - Aired May 18, 1997

After Mary receives a grant to study in Borneo for the year, Dick considers proposing to her to change her mind. When Dick experiences his first nightmare, he begins to doubt his sanity.

Quote from Dick

Dr. Goldberg: So, why are you here, Dick?
Dick: Oh, you know, just a checkup. I thought you could give my brain a quick once-over. No biggie.
Dr. Goldberg: Has something been troubling you?
Dick: Nothing, nothing at all. How about you? You seem tense. Can I get you something?
Dr. Goldberg: Dick, you're holding back. Now, anything said in this room is absolutely confidential.
Dick: Really? [lays down on the couch] I don't belong on this planet. I'm an alien from another galaxy. The warranty on my brain just expired, and I'm scared to get married!
Dr. Goldberg: That's a start.


Quote from Dick

Dick: At first, all Sally ever did was complain about how I forced her to become a woman, but now all the time it's "Look at my body. I am so hot."
Dr. Goldberg: This is your daughter?
Dick: Sally? Uh, no, she's my sister.
Dr. Goldberg: I'm sorry. It's just that she's 20 years younger than you.
Dick: Oh, do you think I should make her be my daughter? Because that's doable.

Quote from Dick

Mary: It made me realize just what we have, and I've come to a decision. I'm not going to Borneo.
Dick: Oh, that's too bad.
Mary: I thought you wanted me to stay.
Dick: Then stay.
Mary: Do you want me to stay or not?
Dick: Oh, whatever.
Mary: Maybe I will go to Borneo, after all. You know, Borneo, where the sun gets so hot, the dress code is naked, because if you don't care, I don't care.
Dick: Of course I care. I love you, and I love knotty pine, and sherbet, dryer-fresh towels, and those clips that keep snack chips fresh. So when you go, I'll have four of the five things that I love.
Mary: Fine. I'll send you a postcard.
Dick: Oh, right. I love postcards, too.

Quote from Sally

Karl Borskey: Hey, get me away from this wacko.
Sally: Shut up!
Don: Sally, what are you doing?
Sally: Look who I caught squeezing the Charmin.
Don: But Sally, that isn't against the law.
Sally: It's Karl Borskey.
Don: [jumps] Yes, I know it's Karl Borskey. Lock him up.
Sally: Careful with those pantyhose. They're DKNY.

Quote from Harry

Sally: Okay, this is scaring me. This is getting worse. You got to call the Big Giant Head right now.
Harry: No. Only the High Commander has that authority.
Sally: Dick is out of commission. As second in command, I order you to call him.
Harry: Okay, fine, but I'm not broadcasting in stereo. A man's got to have his limit... You have reached the transmitting signal for the Big Giant Head. All Big Giant circuits are busy right now. Please stay on the line. [hums "The Girl from Ipanema"]

Quote from Dick

Mary: I'm sorry I didn't tell you about this sooner, because there shouldn't be any secrets between us.
Dick: Well, maybe a few secrets just to keep things interesting.
Mary: Ooh, no, because a relationship is built on honesty.
Dick: Okay, look, I'll let you have five little secrets if you can let me have one really big one.
Mary: No, Dick, it doesn't work that way. And, besides, sooner or later, we'll find out everything about each other. [Dick whimpers] Was there something else you wanted to say?
Dick: Mary, promise me that if Sally ever asks you to take a little walk, you'll run!

Quote from Dick

[dream sequence:]
Dick: The door. The door. There's got to be a door.
Nina: Good morning, Dr. Solomon.
Dick: Good morning, Nina. Get me a cup of coffee?
Judith: Dr. Solomon, you know why you've been brought here? Gentlemen.
Dick: Oh! Where are you taking me?
Judith: We're taking you to the truth room.
Dick: Actually, I need to go to the bathroom. This is scary.

Quote from Mary

[dream sequence:]
Dick: I'll tell you what you want to know! I'll tell you the truth, I promise!
Mary: [Eastern European accent] Of course you will, Dr. Solomon. Please sit.
Dick: Wh- What are you doing?
Mary: I am going to torture you until you talk.
Dick: Mary, you?
Mary: Why do you think they call me Dr. Albright? But first, I sing a little song I write this morning. [sings] Falling in love again Never wanted to What am I to do? Can't help it.

Quote from Dick

[dream sequence:]
Mary: Oh, Dick, look at us. I know you're keeping something from me. Please, you're safe. You don't have to pretend anymore.
Dick: All right. Mary, I'm an alien.
Mary: That's wonderful!
Dick: It is?
Mary: Yes, because I'm an alien, too. [rips off mask]
[Dick screams and runs out of the room into a meadow]

Quote from Dick

Dick: Have any of you ever had your sleep invaded by scary and almost metaphorical images you can't control?
All: No.
Harry: Oh, wait! No.
Dick: Well, then what's wrong with me?
Tommy: Well, August's uncle once had a complete mental breakdown, and he went to a psychiatrist.
Dick: A psycho-who-a-what?
Sally: Dick, you know what a psychiatrist is.
Dick: I know. I'm just so nervous.

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