Bill Williams Quotes Page 6 of 7
Quote from Goose Grease
Dean: What's all this?
Kim: Daddy just taught me how to change my spark plugs and change my oil.
Bill: She learned almost as fast as Bruce did.
Dean: So, Dad's teaching you to work on cars?
Kim: Well, he didn't want to at first. Said being oily and greasy was "unladylike."
Bill: But saving $2.50 on a tune-up is beautiful.
Quote from Goose Grease
Bill: Poker's all about bluffing. Just act like you're Kim lying about why she missed curfew, except better.
Quote from Love & War
Adult Dean: He had the time to teach me how to drop a perfect bunt and then he had to rush to get ready for this big loan interview he had.
Bruce: I served in the military for two years. I receive monthly disability checks which cover most of my expenses, and I found a promising lead on a new job which will allow me to repay my loan in less than a year.
Lillian: You should know better than to ask your father for a loan. He's gonna gouge you on the interest rates.
Bill: He's a credit risk. We have to protect ourselves.
Quote from Bill's New Gig
Bill: Well, it does come with a small pay bump. [all cheering and laughing]
Kim: Enough to get me my own phone line?
Lillian: That would be a gift to us all, but no.
Dean: What about a dirt bike?
Bill: You already have a bike. You can ride it in the dirt. [laughter]
Quote from Bill's New Gig
Bill: You really think I should go solo?
Lillian: I don't see why not. Your band's always fighting you about the type of music you want to play. Now you have a chance to explore doing your own thing.
Bill: I am more talented than those cats. Got better taste in music, too.
Lillian: Mm-hmm. And easy on the eyes. [chuckles]
Bill: I heard that the Wonderland Club is looking for a new act to play twice a week. Audition's tomorrow.
Lillian: Oh. Sounds like somebody needs to check and see if his lucky tan suit still fits.
Bill: If it doesn't, my new lucky color's gonna be blue.
Quote from Where No Dean Has Been Before
Bill: Look at all these Black faces. Won't see this at a State Treasury Department picnic.
Lillian: What I know I wouldn't see at a State Treasury Department picnic is you, Bill Williams.
Bill: They put raisins in potato salad, Lillian. Raisins.
Quote from Where No Dean Has Been Before
Lillian: We are so disappointed in you. You let strangers into our house. Underage strangers with beer! This is so unlike you.
Bill: You and your sister ruined a perfectly good evening. Your mother's work dinner went great, then we have to come home to this?
Dean: I swear it wasn't my fault. I-I didn't even want those kids in there.
Bill: So they just magically appeared?
Lillian: Or did you forget how to talk?
Adult Dean: Both those excuses were way higher on my list than I'm comfortable admitting. So I decided to come clean.
Dean: I j... I just wanted them to think I was cool.
Bill: Were they blind?
Quote from Love, Dean
Adult Dean: The start of summer in the South is always a time of new beginnings. For some, that means less clothes. For others, that means more work. But this summer, it means less Mama for everybody. She had just gotten a big promotion that meant she'd be away for a few weeks over the summer. She was actually excited she was going to be working more.
Lillian: Well, did you want me to put them in order chronologically or based on food type?
Bill: I want to be able to eat without having to brush up on algebra.
Lillian: This way, you'll have everything you need while I'm gone. I mean, Bruce can take care of himself, and only thing Kim needs is a purse and a phone, but Dean...
Bill: When I was his age, my parents forgot they had me for two months, and I was fine.
Dean: The toaster's stuck. Should I use a knife?
Bill: No. [sighs] Okay, I will look after him.
Quote from Love, Dean
Bill: I'm more concerned about you out on those roads to Birmingham. How many miles on the station wagon now?
Lillian: Getting close to 100,000.
Bill: We may need to look into a new car that can handle all those miles.
Lillian: Really?
Bill: To be clear, when I said "new car," I meant "new used car." You know, new for you.
Quote from Love, Dean
Lillian: Did I just hear you say Marvin Gaye? Is that Marvin Gaye with an "e" or without the "e"?
Bill: With the "e."
Lillian: Oh! [laughs]
Bill: His manager heard one of my songs and loved it. He wants me to slide me into his songwriting stable.
Lillian: Oh!
Bill: Could possibly help Marvin create his next hit.
Lillian: Oh, my God, Bill, that is just... Oh!