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Short and Curlies

‘Short and Curlies’

Season 7, Episode 24 - Aired May 18, 2005

Donna wants to get a special gift for Eric as he prepares to leave for Africa. Jackie tries to avoid Hyde after she was unable to get to Chicago. Meanwhile, Charlie (Bret Harrison) walks in on Kitty changing.

Quote from Jackie

Jackie: Is Steven here?
Kelso: No, he went to work. Oh, but before he left, he was chucking everything you ever gave him all around the basement. It was like a hailstorm of stuffed animals and ABBA records. Wait, what are you doing here anyway? I thought you left for Chicago.
Jackie: Well, I would have, but my mom took the car to Tijuana and won't be back till Cinco de Mayo, whenever that is.


Quote from Kitty

Donna: I got the best going-away present for Eric. Okay, a pen and pencil set. That way, he can write me every day.
Kitty: Well, isn't that just... [snores] Donna, a going-away gift should be something special, meaningful, personal.
Donna: Okay, like what? Clock radio? Underwear? Some spoons? Help me.
Kitty: No, honey, like... Okay, before Red went to Korea, I had my sister take a sexy boudoir photograph of me. I was wearing nothing but a fur coat.
Donna: Mrs. Forman, you bad, bad girl.
Kitty: It was racy. [chuckles] You could see my knees.

Quote from Kelso

Kelso: Hey, Eric. We need something to drink. Our throats are all dry from laughing over Jackie and the stinky blanket.
Eric: Jackie and the stinky blanket. It sounds like a delightful Hardy Boys mystery.
Fez: I'll tell you what the mystery is, why aren't those boys nailing Nancy Drew?
Kelso: 'Cause she's got glasses.
Fez: Ah, mystery solved.

Quote from Fez

Eric: So, I gotta go over to Donna's, get my going-away present. Man, she is, like, the world's worst gift giver. Remember that ugly sweater vest and that huge man ring? Now I gotta go get excited about some other lame thing. "Oh, wow, Donna, clown shoes. Thank you so much."
Fez: I wish I had a beautiful girl giving me clown shoes. Hell, I'd settle for a beautiful clown giving me girl shoes.
Kelso: I dated a clown once. But soon as I learned how to make those balloon animals, I dumped her.

Quote from Jackie

Hyde: I thought you left town.
Jackie: Why? Because you're so amazing and incredible that I simply couldn't exist in the same town as you knowing you couldn't make a commitment?
Hyde: No, because you wrote me a note saying that you left town.
Jackie: Oh! Well, that, Steven, was a metaphor, a metaphor for the fact that my heart and mind are gone, but my body is still here, in this very awkward situation.
Kelso: Want me to cover you up with the stinky blanket?
Hyde: Would you guys get lost?
Fez: Oh, you want your privacy. I understand. We're just gonna go upstairs and listen through the vent.

Quote from Hyde

Hyde: So, what are you doing here, Jackie? You got something you wanna say to me?
Jackie: Yes. I wanted to say that I'm leaving for real this time.
Hyde: So you came back to tell me that you're leaving again?
Jackie: Yes, but this is goodbye.
Hyde: All right, I'll see you tomorrow then.
Jackie: Steven, I'm serious.
Hyde: So want to hang out next week?
Jackie: I'm going. Unless... Unless, Steven, there's something you'd like to say, in which case, I'm listening.
Hyde: Yeah. Have a good trip.
Jackie: I will.
Kelso: [o.s.] Can you guys stand closer to the vent and talk louder?

Quote from Fez

Charlie: Man, and now Mr. Forman is even madder at me since I saw Mrs. Forman naked. I mean, doesn't he know I went to Catholic school? I don't even know what any of that stuff is.
Fez: Now what exactly did you see? And I'm only asking because I find Ms. Kitty attractive in a sexual way.

Quote from Kelso

Kelso: I know how you can get back on Red's good side. Walk in on him naked.
Charlie: No way, man. I do know what that stuff is, and I don't want to see it.
Kelso: No, seriously. Look, it's perfect. Look, Red assumes that everyone is either a pervert or an idiot.
Fez & Kelso: He thinks I'm both.
Kelso: See, and if you walk in on Red naked, he's gonna assume that you're the biggest idiot in the world.
Charlie: That- That kind of makes sense. You know, you probably hear this all the time, but you're really smart.
Kelso: I do hear that all the time.

Quote from Jackie

Kelso: All right, here we are. Good luck in Chicago.
Jackie: Michael, this is the bus station.
Kelso: Yeah. I said I'd give you a ride, and then under my breath I whispered, "To the bus station."
Jackie: No, no, no. No. I can't ride the bus. Other people's butts have been on those seats.
Kelso: Well, I'm not driving you all the way there. That's, like, two hours away.
Jackie: Michael, you put this car in gear and take me to Chicago right now.
Kelso: You know what? You haven't changed at all. You're just still- Just a spoiled little princess who gets by on her good looks, and bitchy demands, and mean and painful pinches.
Jackie: Yeah, well, you still don't have any manners. A real man wouldn't let the princess ride the bus.
Kelso: Well, you know what? You're not even a princess. You're just a little bossy boss.
Jackie: That's right, Michael. I'm the boss, and you're taking the boss to Chicago right now. [pinches Kelso]
Kelso: Ah! Fine! You're always telling me what to do. I've missed this.

Quote from Fez

Fez: Look at the blanket I got for our new apartment. I found it in the dumpster. It's got lots of stains, so it goes with everything.
Kelso: That is so awesome. I'm not even gonna ask what you were doing in the dumpster.

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