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Shoplifter Rehab

‘Shoplifter Rehab’

Season 5, Episode 7 - Aired November 7, 2019

Amy is flustered when the district manager, Maya, spends another day in the store. Meanwhile, Mateo helps Dina with a rehab program for shoplifters.

Quote from Jonah

Jonah: Uh, Bo, Maya's not here. You don't have to keep pretending to be an employee.
Cheyenne: Oh, no, it's cool. Glenn hired him.
Bo: Yeah, what's up? Your boy Dave is here to stay.
Jonah: Ah! I'm sorry, Glenn? Why would Glenn...
Glenn: [enters] Hey, Preet, go to two. Oh, uh, Jonah, we've got a Hazmat situation over in housewares. Grab a pair of gloves and head over. Preety, I need those POUs. [exits]
Jonah: Why would... do I have to? Was he wearing a tie this morning?


Quote from Amy

Maya: And I was like, "I don't care. Write me up." I am not doing a Latin accent to sell some queso.
Amy: Oh, my God, that happened to me, but with salsa. [Maya laughs] We have so much in common.
Maya: I like you, Amy. Hell, that's why I stuck around another day. You know, I just wanna make sure that you're being... careful.
Amy: Uh, what do you mean?
Maya: I know about your branch's history with unionizing.
Amy: [clears throat] Mm-hmm.
Maya: And in my experience, these things never go away.
Amy: Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.
Maya: I mean, I'm not saying that you're caught up in all of this, but if Corporate even thinks that you're helping the union, you will be throwing away your future with them.
Amy: My... my future with Corporate?
Maya: Yes, girl. You are bright. Your numbers are great. Chicago could really use somebody like you.
Amy: Well, I don't know what to say.
Maya: Protect your future, chica. You could be going places. Salud. [they toast]

Quote from Dina

Dina: Anytime one of you is tempted to steal this money, Mateo is gonna spray you in the face with that squirt bottle. Now, is it just water in there? For legal reasons, let's say yes.
Man: This is messed up.
Dina: What's that?
Man: [mutters softly]
Dina: That's what I thought. I'm gonna check on Gerald, see if he's done crying in the men's room. In the meantime, Mateo, don't be stingy with the squirts.

Quote from Mateo

Mateo: Don't worry. I'm not gonna squirt anyone. I know you're not gonna steal the money.
Woman: We should steal it, at least get my 200 bucks back.
Mateo: What 200?
Man: The fee for this ridiculous class.
Mateo: Wait, Cloud 9 is charging you to take this?
Man: Yeah.
Woman: Mm-hmm.
Mateo: So the company won't file a police report so long as you pay $200?
Woman: These people, they're evil.
Mateo: Oh, trust me. You have no idea.

Quote from Glenn

Glenn: Jen went home sick, so I'm putting you on deli. But don't eat that ham, 'cause that's what made Jen sick.

Quote from Amy

Amy: And then she said she thought I was smart and capable, which, duh. And I mean, I know this is silly, but she even mentioned something like... I don't know... someone like me had a future at Corporate.
Jonah: Wow. Sounds like Corporate's really pulling out all the stops. Taking you to lunch, trying to buy your allegiance with some bogus career opportunity... It's the same crap they pulled with Jeff.
Amy: Well, I mean, I don't know that it was a ploy. I mean, is it so hard to believe she just thinks I'm a good manager?
Jonah: No, no. You're obviously a great manager. It's just there's always an agenda with these people. Anyway, it's not like you're truly considering going off to be an executive at Cloud 9.
Amy: Ha. Yeah. I mean, could you imagine... me going off to the dark side? [Jonah chuckles] Why are there pictures of Jerusha in my office?

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