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My Lucky Night

‘My Lucky Night’

Season 3, Episode 4 - Aired October 30, 2003

J.D. is the one tormenting the Janitor for once when he set him a riddle. Dr. Cox finally decides to put himself out there and apply for the residency director position. Carla gets to work with Turk when she covers for one of the surgical nurses. Meanwhile, Sean and Elliot's relationship hits a rough patch.

Quote from Jordan

Dr. Cox: Our nanny just walked out the door. Gimme a break, she's experienced, she has great credentials.
Jordan: Oh, no, no, she's got great, huge, perky credentials. She's out. Besides, she's too expensive.
Dr. Cox: About that, now, I've actually been thinking about going after that residency director job.
Jordan: Residency director?
Dr. Cox: Yeah.
Jordan: But Perry, you realize if you did that, you would be taking a positive step in your life.
Dr. Cox: I know.
Jordan: Quick. First place we made love?
Dr. Cox: Oh, gimme a break. We've never "made love".
Jordan: Whew, it is you. I'm so proud I could poo.


Quote from Dr. Cox

Jordan: Seriously, though, it's great. And it's a board decision, so I can help you out.
Dr. Cox: No, no.
Jordan: Yes.
Dr. Cox: No, I'm serious, Jordan, I don't believe in it. I'd make you swear on a Bible, but I know how contact with holy stuff makes your skin sizzle.

Quote from Janitor

Janitor: Doctors.
Janitor: [to Troy] Okay, come on: Two coins. Thirty cents. No nickels. Come on, you can do this! You went to Harvard, for God's sake!
Troy: Relax. I figured it out.
Janitor: Okay. You gave me a penny and what appears to be a button, on which you've written twenty-nine cents. Can't we just kill him?
Janitor: No, no, no. That's what he wants us to do.

Quote from Carla

Turk: Hey! Hey, Baby! What's up? You know, I've been thinking. That was a lot of fun working together.
Carla: And how long you been thinking about that?
Turk: Ever since Dr. Wen offered me a gastric bypass because I was so amazing yesterday, and I realized you're the reason why.
Carla: Really?
Turk: Yeah! Yeah. It's just like in high school. I had this girlfriend who annoyed the crap out of me, but every time she came to one of my basketball games, I played like crazy out of my mind because all of a sudden I was playing for her. I wanted to make her proud. You understand what I'm saying?
Carla: You're saying I'm so annoying you can't stand working with me for even two days, but now that you have something to gain, you want me back.
Turk: Exactly. Thank you!

Quote from Janitor

Troy: Ooh, your face is red! Like a strawbrerry!
Janitor: Don't have kids.

Quote from J.D.

J.D.: Okay, this never would have happened if my Hair-met hadn't gotten stolen at your stupid suck-up fest last night! Now, I took the liberty of writing the recommendation you promised me. All you have to do is sign right below where it says, "He makes me proud to be a doctor," and right above where it says, "P.S. He ain't too hard on the eyes, either!"

Quote from J.D.

J.D.: Well, I'm off to fluid rounds.
[later, at a bar:]
J.D.: To fluid rounds!

Quote from J.D.

Sean: So, I'm leaving the day after tomorrow, to work on this project studying the fishing industry's impact on Maui dolphins. They're an endangered species; if something isn't done soon they could actually be wiped off the face of the earth.
J.D.: [yawns] Fascinating stuff, Sean.

Quote from Turk

Sean: You know, it's always awkward when you run into an ex, isn't it?
Turk: Tell me about it. I don't know how J.D. and Elliot do it.
Sean: Do what?
J.D.: [v.o.] Oh, no! I've got to stop this! Kick him!
Carla: Ow!
Turk: You okay, baby?
Carla: Yeah.
Turk: How they have sex every year and still manage to stay friends.
Elliot: We haven't actually had a chance to talk about that yet. But thank you.

Quote from Elliot

Elliot: So So, J.D. and I slept together. It's not that big a deal.
Sean: You know Betty from work. I see her every day, right? How would you feel if I told you we slept together?
Elliot: Well, I'd be disturbed, Sean, because Betty is a harp seal.
Sean: Yeah, but a harp seal who's smart, funny, and totally gets me!
Elliot: Oh, my God! Is anyone in more hell than me right now?

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