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My Lucky Night

‘My Lucky Night’

Season 3, Episode 4 - Aired October 30, 2003

J.D. is the one tormenting the Janitor for once when he set him a riddle. Dr. Cox finally decides to put himself out there and apply for the residency director position. Carla gets to work with Turk when she covers for one of the surgical nurses. Meanwhile, Sean and Elliot's relationship hits a rough patch.

Quote from Carla

J.D.: [v.o.] But still, in a good relationship, pride never gets in the way.
Dr. Wen: Christopher, you okay? You look a little nervous.
Carla: He'll be fine.
Turk: Carla! Look, I-
Carla: You can tell me later.
Turk: Okay. Let's do this. Scalpel!
Carla: Scalpel what?


Quote from Dr. Cox

Dr. Cox: Say, Newbie, seeing as you are partially responsible for me being the new residency director, I'm gonna go ahead and give you the rest of the night off. I don't know, it's just kind of my own personal way of saying I can't actually stand the sight of you. Ha!

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