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My Cold Shower

‘My Cold Shower’

Season 6, Episode 19 - Aired May 3, 2007

When Keith's ring doesn't fit Elliot, she gets the chance to plan for a "spontaneous" proposal. J.D. keeps trying to get things going with Melody, though she won't let him progress past the "macking" stage. Meanwhile, Carla and Elliot can't figure out what's wrong with two elderly patients with the same symptoms.

Quote from Dr. Kelso

Dr. Kelso: Oh, poor Turkleberry, he thinks he's got it hard. The damn internet is down! Where am I supposed to go for a sexual gratification? My invalid wife?


Quote from Dr. Cox

Carla: Great. Everything came back negative on Mrs. Sheldon and Mr. Bilbray.
Elliot: There must be something that we're missing.
Dr. Cox: But, with you two that would be impossible. Might I take a look at the chart?
Elliot: Well, it's not PMR, pan-hypo pit, and we've already ruled malignancy.
Dr. Cox: Oh. [chuckles]
Dr. Kelso: Oh, yeah, that's a toughie.
Carla: Really, you two think it's that easy?
Dr. Cox: [whistles] Intern! Test both their patients for this and don't you dare tell the Hardy girls what it is. Not yet.

Quote from J.D.

Melody: Room service is great.
J.D.: Yeah. Uh, can I have the tiny ketchup bottle? I'm planning this elaborate prank on Turk, where he wakes up and thinks he's 20 feet tall.

Quote from J.D.

J.D.: [v.o.] Turk was right. He's such a good friend. I should get him a gift. I'll fish for what he wants later on our secret bathroom call. Wait, why am I thinking about Turk? Okay, start moving your hand. Next stop Boob Town, population two!
Melody: Whoa, you can't go to Boob Town! That, my friend, is a gated community.

Quote from Dr. Cox

Dr. Cox: [whistles] The test results are back, and our friends Mr. Bilbray and Mrs. Sheldon both will be having a round of penicillin for their what? That's right! Their STDs. Yes, have a looksie if you please. It turns out that our hard-candy toting, super-cheery grandparents both have...
Carla & Elliot: Syphilis!
Dr. Cox: Bang!
J.D.: [v.o.] Okay, maybe some people were getting some. But we weren't.
[J.D., Turk, the Todd and Dr. Kelso are doused by the sprinklers]
Janitor: Sorry, guys! Thought I fixed that.

Quote from Doug

J.D.: Well, I'm giving up on Melody.
Turk: Dude, no! Man, me, I'm married. So I may never, ever, ever have sex again. You, there's still a chance for you. Damn it, if you're gonna do it for yourself, at least do it for me!
Todd: And me!
Doug: For all of us? What, you guys are surprised I don't get any?

Quote from Elliot

Elliot: I couldn't do it. So, you are gonna need to tell them to slip on a love glove if they're going to get all freaky and doink. Oh, but don't use those words, they won't know what you are talking about.

Quote from J.D.

J.D.: [v.o.] It took everything I had in my arsenal to get Melody to mack with me again.
J.D.: Hey, do you wanna mack with me again?
Melody: Sure.

Quote from Janitor

Melody: You know the rules and you continue to break them. I think I'm gonna give you a lifetime macking ban.
J.D.: No!
Melody: Yes.
J.D.: Give me another chance.
Melody: Can you control yourself?
J.D.: Of course I can.
Janitor: God is watching.
J.D.: I can't.
Janitor: Who is this "God" everyone fears?

Quote from J.D.

Turk: Hey, J.D., I was wondering if I could borrow your scooter, so I could run a few errands?
J.D.: He looks nothing like me! He doesn't even have any laughter in his eyes, like, at all!

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