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The Job Interview

‘The Job Interview’

Season 6, Episode 3 - Aired January 21, 2020

When Stevie applies for a job at a local airline, David wants to prove he is the more worthy applicant. Meanwhile, Alexis and Ted's long-distance relationship is strained, and Johnny and Roland seek out a wealthy investor in the form of Bob.

Quote from David

David: Mm. "Larry Air, recent improvements: all chairs will have tray tables, not just first class." [simpering chuckle] I feel like I'm flying on the Concorde.


Quote from Moira

Johnny: Anyway, I don't know how long this will set us back, Moira. Could be another year or two before we make any headway.
Moira: Oh, surely there's some penny-wise townsperson with a hidden rainy-day reservoir.

Quote from Roland

Roland: Well, you know, uh, I don't wanna be the town gossip here, but, uh, the other day, I got a look at Bob's financial statement on his desk in the office, and that garage is doing great! Plus, he got plugs last year, but... you didn't hear that from me.

Quote from Jocelyn

Jocelyn: You know, come to think of it, Gwen has been coming to rehearsal in those fancy yoga clothes. Those are not cheap. I know because I buy the knockoffs, and they're not cheap.

Quote from Alexis

Twyla: Hey, Alexis. Another green smoothie, no greens?
Alexis: Um... yeah, if you're making one.
Twyla: No. I'm asking if you want one.
Alexis: [sighs] Okay, Twy, I didn't like leave anything behind when I popped by earlier, did I?
Twyla: I don't think so, but if you tell me what you lost, I can ask George if anyone turned it in?
Alexis: No, it's, it's nothing. It's just a turtle.
Twyla: What?
Alexis: His name is Ted and he's gone. And I can't remember where I put him, and I thought it was in the motel, but he could've like crawled out of my purse when I brought him by the cafe earlier.
Twyla: Okay. Turtles are actually kind of like huge health hazards, so when did you last see him?
Alexis: 'Kay, it's been weeks. But between the patchy Wi-Fi and like the ten-day nature trips, and me being alone here, kind of feels like he left the day that he flew to the Galapagos.
Twyla: The turtle flew to the Galapagos?
Alexis: No, Ted the turtle is missing, I am now talking about my boyfriend Ted, Twy. It'd be great if you could keep up.
Twyla: Right. Sorry.
Alexis: The slowest animal on earth escaped from me. That can't not be a bad sign.

Quote from Alexis

Twyla: I think you guys are just going through a tough time. But... who knows? Maybe you'll be pleasantly surprised by how much closer this brings the two of you. And if it makes you feel any better, turtles actually thrive out of captivity.
Alexis: Thanks, Twy. Oh, and if you do see Ted like waddling around in the kitchen, just feed him a carrot and shoot me a text.
Twyla: [laughs] I hope you're joking.
Alexis: Me too, girl. [air kiss] Love you!

Quote from David

David: Yeah, hi, Carol? Uh, it's just that some of us drove some of the other applicants here, so it might just be easier if we all just moved forward into the next round.
Carol: I think it's best if you wait in the hall.
David: Okay. I'll be taking some of these complimentary peanuts then.
Carol: Oh, as I pointed out, nothing is complimentary on Larry Air.
David: I'm taking the peanuts, Carol!

Quote from Moira

Moira: Speaking of yummy opportunities. John, were you able to return Bill and Melinda's call today about the hmm hmm-hmm?
Johnny: Well, you know, Moira, we're not supposed to be discussing investment opportunities at the table, no matter how lucrative they might be.
Moira: But you know what the Gateses are like - Bill and Melinda. You know, they're expecting your call about... [loud whisper] the investment.
Johnny: Yeah.
Bob: Wow! You know Bill Gates?
Moira: Oh, who doesn't? But you're right, Bob, why gild their lilies when there might be someone right under our noses looking for a lucrative venture?

Quote from Ted

Twyla: Good evening, Ms. Rose. The other member of your party has already been seated.
Ted: [on Skype] Oh, hi.
Alexis: Ted! What is this?
Ted: Well, I couldn't let our anniversary go without a celebration. Just because we're not in the same city doesn't mean that we can't go on a date.
Alexis: And you're wearing the little tie with your short-sleeved shirt. My little Galapo-guy.
Ted: Yeah, it's actually really hot here, so the bottom half is just my bathing suit and flip-flops.
Alexis: [gasps] Ted! More about your bottom half, please!
Ted: Twyla's not standing right behind you, is she?
Twyla: Hi, Ted.

Quote from Ted

Ted: [on Skype] Alexis, I'm sorry for dropping the ball on our calls. I thought that we would have Wi-Fi on the trip and we didn't, so... the rest of the team just had to listen to me talk about you for seven days. In fact, they actually named the new fly "Alexis."
Alexis: The fly that mates with itself?
Ted: Yeah, I think the important thing is that, now, I have a little Alexis here with me, just buzzing around.
Alexis: I'm just like so happy to see your face.
Ted: Me too.
Alexis: Boop.
Ted: Boop.

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