Mutt Schitt Quotes   Page 2 of 3  

Quote from Turkey Shoot

Mutt: Yeah, we went to high school together. I think you'd be good for each other.
Alexis: Do you?
Mutt: I think he has everything you're looking for in a husband.
Alexis: A husband? What am I looking for in a husband?
Mutt: Money.
Alexis: Hmm.


Quote from Bad Parents

Alexis: So why are you sneaking around with your mom anyway? What's the big secret?
Mutt: It's my dad. We don't really get along. He really takes the whole mayor tradition in the family thing seriously and I'm just not that down into labels, you know?
Alexis: "Labels?"
Mutt: Yeah.
Alexis: And you wonder why I make fun of you.

Quote from The Cabin

David: Okay, so let's start. Let's start by putting down 10 famous names onto the pieces of paper in front of you.
Mutt: I don't think I can fit ten names on this piece of paper.
David: That's funny. That's funny. No. One per piece of paper. Ten pieces of paper, ten names.

Quote from The Cabin

Twyla: Princess Diana.
David: No! She's- The lepers in Calcutta, she helps them.
Stevie: Lepers! Lepers!
David: There's all these lepers.
Alexis: Stop yelling at her though!
David: It's the point of the game is the yell!
Mutt: She's a mother and has your cousin's name.
Twyla: Teresa? Mother Teresa!
Alexis: Yes!
David: You can't say mother! You can't say mother!
Mutt: She wasn't getting it.

Quote from Turkey Shoot

Mutt: Ted?
Alexis: Mm-hmm. Ted. I don't know his last name. The the, um, doctor.
Mutt: The vet?
Alexis: Yeah, the doctor.
Mutt: The animal doctor.

Quote from Turkey Shoot

Mutt: It's just, if the date's a success with me, I'll let you know it.
Alexis: Okay.
Mutt: I mean, he might as well have shaken your hand.
Alexis: Well, he did that too.

Quote from Finding David

Alexis: Hey, uh, I really shouldn't come in.
Mutt: Actually, you're standing in my living room, you let yourself in.
Alexis: Yeah, no, I know.

Quote from Moira vs. Town Council

Alexis: I love how we can just be silent with each other.
Mutt: Yeah.
Alexis: I mean, I definitely feel like we used to talk more at the beginning, but, um, it's good that we don't have to do that anymore. Because now we can just express how we feel through silence. [Mutt laughs] What?
Mutt: Nothing.
Alexis: What?
Mutt: It's just, you're talking about how nice it is not to talk, but you're still, talking about it.
Alexis: I mean, yeah, I'm not a mute!
Mutt: Well, that is an understatement.

Quote from Opening Night

Mutt: So, you two call each other?
Alexis: Hey! Um, about what?
Mutt: You're dressed the same.
Ted: Ah, never heard that one before.

Quote from Opening Night

Alexis: How are you?
Mutt: I'm good, good. Tennessee and I are actually goin' on a trip for a while, so...
Alexis: Wow, like, Tulum? Or...
Mutt: Uh, just gonna get in our car, and drive up the coast, let the road take us where it wants. No plans, no phones, no schedules.
Ted: Basically my worst nightmare.

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