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Game Changer

‘Game Changer’

Season 1, Episode 19 - Aired March 31, 2010

All Phil wants for his birthday is the new Apple iPad. As Mitchell tries to toughen up, Cameron gets involved in his neighbors' marital problems. Meanwhile, Jay regrets challenging Manny to a game of chess.

Quote from Cameron

Mitchell: Cam, I froze last night. I froze. I thought Lily was in danger and I froze. But not you. No, you sprung right into action. You even had the cool "It's go time" line.
Cameron: That comes to me naturally. I spent a year as a crossing guard.
Mitchell: Cam, I mean, what kind of parent am I if I can't even protect my own family, you know? J-Just once I would love to be the guy with no fear who can stand up and, I don't know, you know, kick some ass.
Cameron: You're so cute when you're angry with your little fists. Just wanna put you in my pocket.


Quote from Phil

Phil: That feels weird. That burns in a different way! Ow! Oh! Don't wash this until we see if I can get my skin back. Okay?

Quote from Phil

Phil: Let me see it!
Claire: No! Your party's not until tonight. You're just gonna have to wait.
Phil: Just let me see the bag. Did you leave it in the car?
Claire: Yeah!
Phil: Hey, who'd you deal with? Was it a guy named Mehar? They call him "the beast." He's a tiny guy. He must move a ton of product.

Quote from Manny

Mitchell: Hi, Manny.
Manny: Mitchell? What are you doing here at [holding up his wrist with a loosely fitting watch] 4:17 on a Saturday afternoon?
Mitchell: Oh, I'm just returning my dad's belt of tools, so-
Manny: [again] At 4:17 on a Saturday afternoon?
Jay: Don't you have something better to do?

Quote from Mitchell

Mitchell: Hey, uh, Dad, do you remember when I was, uh, probably 11 and you were teaching me how to fight, and then I quit?
Jay: Yeah, when you said everything you needed to learn you'd learn from West Side Story. How'd that work out for you?
Mitchell: If I'm ever in a dance fight, I'll let you know.

Quote from Jay

Jay: Why? What's the matter? You got problems with Cam?
Mitchell: No! Wh-Why would you say that?
Jay: Well, come on. I mean, you know, sharing a room with a guy? I mean, I bunked with my brother. I know that can get pretty rough.
Mitchell: I don't "bunk" with Cam. Dad, I just wanna learn a little self-defense, you know.

Quote from Phil

[Phil is playing in a batting cage:]
Phil: Didn't your mama teach you never to take a ride from a stranger? Got a little vacation time coming up? Have fun on the moon! Not feeling too well lately? Maybe you should come see the doctor and I'll get rid of it!
Kid: What's that supposed to mean?
Woman on P.A.: Attention. If you're here for Phil's birthday party, they're gathering in the picnic area. Phil's birthday party.
Phil: My wife knew I'd be here. She put together a whole party for me.
Kid: Does that really make up for not getting an iPad?
Phil: Don't make me sorry I shared that with you. Okay?

Quote from Cameron

Jake: [over baby monitor] No, that's fine, I'm just putting the baby down.
Cameron: Okay, that's Jake. He's the one that's having an affair. I know.
Jake: Yeah, I can do it tomorrow night. I'll just give my wife some excuse.
Cameron: Men are pigs.
Jake: I don't really have a choice, do I?
Cameron: Yeah. You could not cheat on her! How about that?
Jake: Because it has to be a surprise. When she hears me speaking Italian to her grandmother, it'll be worth all this sneaking around.
Cameron: Lily, I had it backwards. He's wonderful.
Jake: Don't worry. I'll just tell her I'm working late.
Cameron: No, Jake, don't do that. That's the worst thing you could do.
Jake: Buona notte.
Cameron: Oh, no, Lily, what are we gonna do? We have to fix this.

Quote from Jay

Jay: Okay, Mitchell, I'm gonna teach you a couple of basic Brazilian jiu-jitsu moves. Now, just- just attack me.
Mitchell: I'm sorry- What?
Jay: Take any deep-seated anger you may have, get a running start and come at me.
Mitchell: Dad, I don't have any deep-seated anger.
Jay: Remember that Halloween when I wouldn't let you go as Olivia Newton-John?
Mitchell: [yells, charges at Jay]
Jay: You see what I did? I used your momentum against you. I learned this choke from the Gracie brothers. It's called the lion killer- mata leao.

Quote from Gloria

Jay: Actually, that's not true. I don't mind losing to a chess genius, which Manny obviously is.
Gloria: Chess genius? He's not even as good as I am.
Jay: You're not that good in chess. I beat you on our honeymoon.
Gloria: Or did I let you win?
Jay: You didn't let me win.
Gloria: Why would I sacrifice my queen for your pawn, Jay? Huh? Huh? ... Huh?
Jay: Stop saying that.

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