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Fifteen Percent

‘Fifteen Percent’

Season 1, Episode 13 - Aired January 20, 2010

Mitchell is offended when Jay introduces Cameron to his pals as "a friend of my son's", so he gets his revenge by suggesting one of Jay's pals is gay. Meanwhile, Manny arranges a date over the Internet, and Claire is stumped by the new TV remote Phil bought.

Quote from Shorty

Shorty: You know, that guy's got a beautiful stroke. Look at his pants- no pleats. I like pants like that. You think I can get away with something like that?
Jay: Sure. Why not? Listen, Shorty, uh, we know each other a long time, right?
Shorty: What, 30 years?
Jay: Yeah. And, um, I sense that you got a secret that's maybe causing you a lot of anguish.
Shorty: You heard something, right?
Jay: Well, I had the same situation with my son, Mitchell.
Shorty: Really?
Jay: Yeah, and I didn't handle it too well either. And, uh, I just want you to know that you can open up to me, that I'm gonna do all I can to help you.
Shorty: Well, I mean I- I never said this out loud before to anyone. But I guess, if I did, it would be you. [chuckling] It's just that, Jay, you see, I'm, uh- I'm-
Jay: Go ahead. Yeah. Go ahead.
Shorty: I'm in debt.
Jay: Huh?
Shorty: I owe a bookie 20 G's, and he's a serious guy. And you offering to give me the dough- This is beautiful.


Quote from Shorty

Jay: Wait a minute. You're not gay?
Shorty: Gay? What are you talkin' about- gay? I'm not gay. Where'd you get gay?
Jay: Come on. I mean, you're always talking about clothes and everything, right?
Shorty: My father was a tailor. I like clothes. So what? Are you calling my father gay?
Jay: No!
Shorty: My father landed on Normandy to save your ass. You know, if you weren't lending me 20 G's, I'd knock you out right now.
Jay: Take a check?
Shorty: Cash would be better.

Quote from Cameron

Gloria: Cameron, this is my new friend, Whitney. Whitney, this is Cameron.
Cameron: Hello. It's nice to meet you. That is a spectacular dress.
Whitney: This old thing? [chuckles]
Gloria: What about her hair?
Cameron: Oh, my gosh. It's like Barbra Streisand in The Way We Were. One of my favorites.
Whitney: Me too.
Cameron: Okay, who is reading The Forevers?
Whitney: I am.
Cameron: I am so obsessed with this whole vampire thing right now.
Whitney: Me too.
[aside to camera:]
Whitney: I just met the sweetest guy named Cameron. I think he might be the one.

Quote from Shorty

Shorty: Jay. Jay. Listen, I wanna thank you for, you know, helping me out with that jam.
Jay: It was nothin'.
Shorty: No, no, no. And I got you a little present.
Jay: You didn't have to do that.
Shorty: No, I did. Two tickets to see the great Michael Buble. The guy sings like an angel. He's gonna be outside at one of the amphitheaters.
Jay: Gloria's gonna love it.
Shorty: No. I'm talkin' about you and me.
Jay: Oh, you and me.
Shorty: Yeah.
Jay: Well, that's a little-
Shorty: I thought maybe we could have a little picnic since it's outside. You know? I'll get some nice bottle of wine, a little cheese. Lay on a nice blanket. All right?
Jay: Yeah, fine.
Shorty: [to a passing man] Yo, hey. I like your hair. Who does your hair? Huh? Yo, handsome. Who does your hair?

Quote from Mitchell

Mitchell: [aside to camera] Can people change? I don't know. People are who they are- give or take, yeah, 15%. That's how much people can change if they really want to. Whether it's for themselves or for the people they love... Yeah, 15%. But you know what? Sometimes that's just enough.

Quote from Phil

Phil: [aside to camera] I just installed a sweet home theater system in the family room. The, um- The trouble is Claire struggles with technology of any kind. I mean, remotes, cell phones, computers.

Quote from Cameron

Cameron: Hey! Look who it is.
Jay: Hey. There he is.
Cameron: What a coinkydink. I was just getting some flowers for Gloria for babysitting Lily.
Jay: You want me to take 'em to her?
Cameron: I would, but I have the most hilarious card for her at home. It's- It's a hunky Antonio Banderas type in silk boxers. And on the inside, it says, "Thank you for last noche, but I can't find my pantalones." [laughing] I'm not doing it justice, really.

Quote from Manny

Manny: Oh, that must be her. If this goes well, you don't need to stick around.

Quote from Cameron

Mitchell: Me and Lily were just using the time to figure out how to use the car's voice-command thingy.
Cameron: Oh.
Mitchell: Here. Check it out. Watch. [beeps] CD player. Next track.
Female Voice: Say a command.
Mitchell: No. [beeps] CD player. Next track.
Female Voice: Air conditioner on.
Mitchell: Damn it.
Cameron: Wow. You're worse than your sister with this kind of stuff. It's a good thing Lily doesn't have an ejector seat.

Quote from Mitchell

Cameron: Oh, guess what. I ran into your dad and some of his friends.
Mitchell: Oh, really?
Cameron: Yeah. And get this. He, uh- He referred to me as "a friend of my son."
Mitchell: Seriously?
Cameron: Yeah.
Mitchell: That's a little disrespectful to you.
Cameron: Well, I wasn't offended by it.
Mitchell: Well, I am. I mean, would he refer to Phil as "a friend of Claire's"? No.
Cameron: I've heard him call Phil a lot worse. Just let it pass. I should have never said anything.
Mitchell: I'm not letting it pass. He needs to know that's not okay. And if he doesn't like it, he knows where he can go.
Female Voice: Enter destination.
Mitchell: Hell!
Female Voice: Mexican food.
Mitchell: Shut up!

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