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Season 2, Episode 8 -  Aired November 29, 2000

Malcolm visits the school therapist, Ms. Gilbert (Nancy Linehan), to get out of dressing up for "medieval week". Meanwhile, Lois tries to clear out the closet, and Francis is put in charge of laundry at the academy.

Quote from Malcolm

Malcolm: Then a butterfly landed on my wrist and I woke up.
Ms. Gilbert: What color was that butterfly?
Malcolm: It was either blue or purple. Definitely not red or orange. That I can remember.
Ms. Gilbert: Your dream, Malcolm, is so... so tranquil and soothing. This is- This is encouraging.
Malcolm: Yeah?
Ms. Gilbert: Mm-hmm. Yep, you're starting to relax.
Malcolm: I think I might be, too. [to camera] I need to seem cured, but to leave the door open for a relapse when we start ballet next semester.


Quote from Malcolm

Lois: So, my children are emotionally disturbed?
Ms. Gilbert: Oh, we don't like to use those labels. I spent a whole week with Malcolm.
Lois: Really? A whole week.
Ms. Gilbert: Yes, and, uh... to be honest, I think, I think there are some, uh, definite issues that you and he need to talk about. Malcolm, you want to share this drawing with your mother?
Malcolm: No, that's okay.
[Lois grabs the drawing which shows Hal, Francis, Reese and Dewey with their mouths agape as a giant Lois eats Malcolm]
Lois: I like what you've done with my teeth.

Quote from Reese

Malcolm: [sobbing] I'm sorry.
Lois: [sobbing] Oh, no, don't be. I'm the one who should apologize.
Malcolm: No, you guys just want what's best for me. I know that.
Lois: Oh, we do. We love you.
Malcolm: I love you, too.
[Reese crawls away from the wall, pretends to sob and hugs Lois as she hugs Malcolm]
Reese: Mom? You really pissed me off when you took away my hockey stick 'cause I was hitting Dewey with it. I know you're sorry. I'll go in the attic and take it down later.

Quote from Hal

Lois: Ugh. Another Peterson box.
Hal: Ooh. This is from the '60s.
Lois: Huh.
Hal: I forgot LBJ had his gall bladder out.
Lois: I don't understand. Didn't we clean out this closet when we moved in?
Hal: Apparently not.
Lois: Oh, for crying out loud. They left an old toilet.
[After Hal struggles to lift the toilet, he presses the flush handle]
Lois: This is a bathroom. We have a second bathroom!
Hal: Shh. If we don't tell them, they won't know. It'll just be our little secret. Our beautiful little secret. [both giggle]

Quote from Malcolm

Ms. Gilbert: Malcolm, I want you to feel relaxed here. Now, school's really stressful and can be pretty demanding. This could be... This could be a safe place for you to unwind.
Boy: [o.s.] Not the face! Not the face!
Malcolm: Could I... unwind... four or five times a week?
Ms. Gilbert: Maybe. What would we talk about?
Malcolm: I don't know where to begin. [to camera] I really don't.
Ms. Gilbert: Well, that was quite an episode you had in class. Did you want to talk about that?
Malcolm: No. You'll just think it's stupid.
Ms. Gilbert: Nothing you ever say in here will be stupid.
Malcolm: But all I ever do is make mistakes. I feel like I don't even deserve to beat my own high score.
Ms. Gilbert: Oh, yes, you do, Malcolm.
Malcolm: Thank you so much. [to camera] The tricky part is, I need to keep this up without being put on medication.

Quote from Stevie

Caroline: All right, children, it's time to begin the harvest dance. I'd demonstrate myself, but being in my third trimester, I don't want to risk the placenta separating from my uterine wall. [kids groan] Oh, come on. We studied this. There's nothing dirty about the miracle of life. And we should all be able to discuss this openly.
Lloyd: [o.s.] Who's the father?
Stevie: Does he... work here?
Caroline: All right, you know, I told you we are not playing this game again. All right, everyone, gather their dance props, please. Dabney, don't forget you have a dentist appointment. Okay. Your Holiness, would you start the gay - as in happy - Harvest Procession?
Stevie: Let's... kick it.

Quote from Francis

Martin: I really think you're going to like laundry duty, Francis. Basically, you wash it, you dry it, you fold it. You want me to go through that again?
Francis: No, twice was good. Actually, I don't mind doing laundry. Mom always thought she was punishing me, but I always found it relaxing. Geez, this detergent is awful. This is way too coarse for our cotton blends. Wasn't this stuff banned?
Martin: Yeah, this is what we use. You see, there is an arrangement with the distributor. We take this crappy soap off his hands, and, uh, he makes it worth our while. [holds up tickets]
Francis: The Alabama Opera?
Martin: There's plenty more where that came from.
Francis: No thanks.
Martin: Opera's not your thing. That's fine. This guy's got connections. Cords of firewood, tractor show, free burgers from Churchill's when you buy a burger of equal or greater value.
Francis: Don't you think Marlin Academy is hard enough without our own guys selling us out? I mean, look at these. You ever heard of fabric softener? These sheets are like sleeping on straw.
Martin: Hey, it was good enough for the baby Jesus.
Francis: Get out.

Quote from Lois

Lois: Where are my cooling racks? I know I put them in here. What a mess!
Hal: Honey, please. I'll go to the store, and I'll buy you new cooling racks.
Lois: No! I want to find these. And when I do, we are all going to clean out this disaster of a closet. It's going to be our new family project.
Hal: We never finished our last family project.
Lois: Because it's in here, under two tons of crap.

Quote from Lloyd

Caroline: Your dentist appointment, Lloyd?
Lloyd: My teeth feel fine today, Caroline. I like myself. [sobs] Oh, who am I kidding?

Quote from Malcolm

Caroline: Great news! We have been granted permission to perform the harvest dance at the all-school assembly today. And fruit will be handed out to the student body in case they want to join in. Okay, everyone get in their circles, and... [kids dance]
Malcolm: [bumps into Dabney] Sorry! Damn! Stupid! I can't do it! I'm stupid and I'm terrible! I suck at everything! And I'm fat!

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