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Season 5, Episode 6 -  Aired November 2, 2009

Barney and Robin seem to have everything worked out, so Marshall takes relationship advice from Barney. Meanwhile, Ted and Robin are plagued by upstairs neighbors who won't stop "playing bagpipes".

Quote from Barney

Ted: What the hell has gotten into you two? When did you become so nauseating?
Barney: Isn't it great to finally see her fulfilled emotionally, spiritually and sexually?
Ted: Um, I dated her for a year.
Barney: Yeah.


Quote from Marshall

Barney: What happened to the "I'm tired after my draining day and I want to use my leftover energy showering you with love" argument?
Marshall: I should have written that down.
[flashback to Marshall and Lily in their kitchen:]
Marshall: Look, Lily, I... I make more money than you.
Lily: Excuse me?
Marshall: Dance for me.
Barney: Oh, Marshall.
Ted: Dude.

Quote from Marshall

Marshall: It all made so much sense when you said it, but when I said it, it turned into a fight. And once Lily and I start fighting, the fight starts to mutate and multiply.
[flashback to Marshall and Lily now arguing in the living room:]
Marshall: [v.o.] Sure, it started with the dishes, but then...
Lily: So you're saying that you shouldn't have to wash dishes because you work harder than me?
Marshall: Okay, that's not what I'm saying, but it's true.
Marshall: [v.o.] And then all of a sudden, we're also fighting about who works harder.
Lily: I teach kindergarten. I am molding the future leaders of tomorrow.
Marshall: You eat cookies and glue stuff.
Marshall: [v.o.] And soon more fights spin off.
Marshall: I can't believe you'd rather be killed...
Marshall: [v.o.] Until there are more fights going on than you can even keep track of.
Lily: If you need to go in the middle of the night, either turn the bathroom light on or sit down.
Marshall: My mother does not hate you. She is neutral about you. I am not scared of your Shining impression. I just don't need to hear it, especially at night.
Lily: "Danny's not here, Mrs. Torrance."
Marshall: Please don't do that.
Marshall: Man, Lily fights dirty. She's small but vicious, like a badger that your brothers caught and starved for five days and then put in your sleeping bag.

Quote from Marshall

Marshall: He's right.
Ted: No! Barney's stupid ideas are what got you into this quagmire. There's no exit strategy. Just wash your stupid dishes.
Marshall: No! Those dishes are my manhood. And if I want to leave my manhood dirty in the sink, caked with ketchup and pasta...
Barney: What are you eating?
Marshall: Then damn it, that's my right! I'll wash my manhood when I'm good and ready!

Quote from Loretta

Future Ted: [v.o.] Over the next couple of days, Barney and Robin continued to be happier than ever. And Marshall and Lily continued to fight.
Marshall: I don't care if the dishes aren't done. Okay, if you care, you do it.
Lily: Great. Then I don't care if you have an orgasm. If you care, you do it.
Marshall: I went 18 years without the touch of a woman. I can do it again.
Lily: You might have to.

Quote from Marshall

Marshall: I don't know what to do. Lily and I have never had a fight this long. It's like I don't even exist. On Sunday morning, she made pancake, Ted. Pancake and bacon strip.

Quote from Ted

Marshall: Well, she obviously likes them now. And come on, somebody had to put an end to T-Mose.
Ted: No, T-Mose was awesome. I'm thinking of bringing it back.

Quote from Ted

Marshall: Bagpiping sounds a little different today. It's all echo-y.
Ted: Yeah. They're in the bathroom. I think they're bagpiping on the shower chair.

Quote from Ted

Ted: Okay, enough. The jig is up.
Barney: Ted, whatever do you mean?
Robin: Who's this guy?
Ted: We'll get to that. You see, I knew something was wrong. You two were too happy, too shiny, too nickname-y. Didn't add up. You two never fight? Horse apples. You fight all the time.
Robin: How would you know that?
Ted: Phil told me.
Barney: Who the hell is Phil?
Ted: Your downstairs neighbor.
Phil: Hi. I'm Phil. 12 B.
Ted: And he's heard everything.

Quote from Barney

Ted: So Phil tells me that Ro-Ro and the Barnstormer have been fighting a lot. Care to explain?
Barney: Okay. Everything was going great. Our no-fighting techniques were working perfectly until we went on that ski trip last weekend.
[flashback to Barney and Robin on a ski lift:]
Barney: Hmm. So I showed Marshall that Lily's argument was bananas and now he'll never have to wash another dish. High two.
Robin: Uh, that's terrible advice.
Barney: What? You agree with Lily? You...
[The ski lift breaks down]
Barney: [inner monologue] Oh, no. We're about to get in a fight, and I can't run away.
Robin: [inner monologue] I can't take my clothes off. It's freezing up here. I'd get hypothermia.
Barney: [inner monologue] Maybe I can jump it?
Robin: [inner monologue] Maybe just my pants?
Barney: This no-fighting thing is over, huh?
Robin: I think so.
[They start to bicker]

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