‘Everybody Hates Homecoming’
Season 4, Episode 3 - Aired October 17, 2008
Chris gets a date to the homecoming dance from a girl who just transferred to the school, but first he must meet her parents, the Huckstables. Meanwhile, Drew enlightens Doc to the power of feng shui, and Tonya has an unwanted admirer.
Quote from Chris
Blair Huckstable: Clint Huckstable, what is wrong with you? Oh, my Lord. A motherless child.
Jenise Huckstable: He's not a motherless child. That's Chris. We met at school.
Chris: I got hit with a bowl of pudding.
Dr. Clint Huckstable: Blair, the boy has been abused.
Blair Huckstable: Well, I can take your case. I'm a lawyer, you know. I am very accomplished.
Dr. Clint Huckstable: Yes, and I would like to accomplish something with you later on, if you know what I mean.
Blair Huckstable: Stop it, Clint.
Quote from Chris
Blair Huckstable: So, Chris, where are you from?
Chris: Bed-Stuy.
Blair Huckstable: Now, I heard about that place. I sent a boy to jail from there. He was selling something called crack. All the babies from there are on it.
Dr. Clint Huckstable: Are you a crack baby?
Chris: No, sir.
Blair Huckstable: Now, Chris, do you have a family?
Chris: Yeah, a mother, father, sister, brother.
Dr. Clint Huckstable: Are they crack people?
Chris: No, sir.
Quote from Chris
Blair Huckstable: Now, what kind of law does your mother practice?
Chris: She works in the beauty salon.
Dr. Clint Huckstable: And what does your father do?
Chris: Oh, he has two jobs.
Blair Huckstable: Oh, so he's a doctor and a lawyer.
Chris: No, he drives a truck and does security part-time.
Dr. Clint Huckstable: I see. Well, Chris, much like your people from Bed-Stuy, our daughter here is a screwup. Yeah, and instead of wasting money on a good private school, we decided to teach her a lesson and send her to the Tattaglia public school.
Blair Huckstable: And then she decided to teach us a lesson by bringing you home.
Dr. Clint Huckstable: But we are not going to penalize you for her stupidity. Chris, we have decided to let you take our daughter Jenise to the Homecoming Dance.
Chris: Thank you, sir.
Dr. Clint Huckstable: You're welcome. And we have this lovely sweater here so you have something decent to wear. Also this delicious box of Sweet Potato Pops.
Quote from Doc
Adult Chris: [v.o.] While Tonya wanted to be alone, Doc had plenty of company.
Drew: Xièxiè. ["Thanks"]
Doc: Wow, this feng shui thing is somethin' else. Business hasn't been this good since they robbed the food stamp truck. What's this?
Drew: Oh, this is a money tree. It'll bring you good fortune. [an attractive woman enters the store]
Doc: Looks like it's working. [speaking mangled Chinese] Can I help you?
Adult Chris: [v.o.] That's English for "I don't speak Chinese."
Quote from Doc
Adult Chris: [v.o.] While Greg was nowhere to be found, Doc couldn't find anything.
Doc: [on the phone] Drew, where did you put the hot sauce? Uh. What you mean, it disrupted the chi? Okay, then where's the chi?
Adult Chris: [v.o.] Where the hot sauce used to be.
Doc: Well, I can't pour a philosophical concept on my catfish, now can I? Think. I'll call you back.
Quote from Tonya
Chris: I have a date to the Homecoming Dance.
Tonya: A date? What's wrong with her?
Chris: Nothing. Her name's Jenise, and she lives in Park Slope.
Rochelle: Park Slope? That's expensive. And she goes to your school?
Tonya: I told you there was something wrong with her. She's retarded.
Julius: Your brother's date is not retarded.
Drew: Well, she could be, but there's different levels. She could be a moron, an imbecile, an idiot or a cretin. Morons have the highest IQ of the mentally retarded, so if something's wrong with her, you may not notice at first.
Adult Chris: [v.o.] Like the first time you watch Bill O'Reilly.
Quote from Chris
Adult Chris: [v.o.] During football season at Tattaglia, there was nothing more important than Homecoming Week.
Greg: Homecoming Dance? What are you looking at that for?
Chris: Just want to know the date of the dance so I can start acting like I'm sick three days before.
Greg: It's a great excuse. I'd use it, but nobody cares whether I'm there or not. Why don't you just go stag?
Chris: End up dancing by myself? I could do that at home.
[fantasy: Chris dancing in the living room as Rochelle, Drew and Tonya try to watch TV :]
Rochelle: Would you go dance with yourself someplace else?
Quote from Greg
Greg: Dude, you're going to the Homecoming Dance?
Chris: I guess so.
Greg: Great. My life sucks, and what do you do? You make it suck worse.
Chris: What, do you want me to stay at home and have a sucky night too so you can feel better?
Greg: Yeah. That's what friends are for.
Adult Chris: [v.o.] With friends like that, who needs enemies?
Quote from Rochelle
Chris: Why is it so hard to believe I have a date with a perfectly nice, normal girl?
[The entire family spit-takes and descends into hysterical laughter. They flail about the dining room, hitting objects and throwing food as they can't stop laughing]
Rochelle: [answers phone] Hello? Hello? [laughter continues]
[later, the family are exhausted from laughing as they return to the dining room table:]
Rochelle: Oh, stop. Whew.
Chris: You finished?
Julius: Yeah, yeah. But you have to admit, that was pretty funny.
Rochelle: Oh, Drew and Tonya, y'all go get ready for bed. Mm, mm, mm.
Quote from Tonya
James: Hey, Tonya. Hey, Youngblood. Where y'all going?
Tonya: Oh, he's walking me home.
James: [to Jason] Check you out. I heard you singing. Now you're walking people home? You're like a one-man walking show. All chivalrous. You're like Maurice Chevalier.
Adult Chris: [v.o.] James was a rare combination of French film buff and bug.
Jason: Maybe I'll see you tomorrow. [walks away]
James: Come on, man. Where you going? Don't leave. Let's sing. You be Ralph Tresvant. I'll be Bobby Brown. Come on.
Adult Chris: [v.o.] How come no one ever wants to be Ronnie DeVoe?
Tonya: What'd you do that for?
James: I liked you before he did. How come I can't walk you home?
Tonya: Because I'm going by myself.t