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Educator of the Year

‘Educator of the Year’

Season 2, Episode 20 - Aired April 5, 2023

Gregory is uncomfortable with the attention when he wins an Educator of the Year award. Meanwhile, Janine is devastated when a parent calls her a bad teacher.

Quote from Gregory

Melissa: So, apparently, I'm supposed to say some nice things about you, so why don't you just tell me some of the things you think you accomplished over the year, and I'll whip it up into an intro? Okay, have a seat.
Gregory: Alright. Uh, okay. I feel like we've made progress on identifying shapes, although a lot of them got hexagons and polygons confused. And then one of them thought a polygon was the Pentagon, and...
Melissa: Okay, just give me something, anything you thought you were good at go.
Gregory: I-I don't- I don't really know. I feel like I'm below average at teaching language arts, which, like, what does that say about me?
Melissa: How about I say you are punctual? And all the kids love you.
Gregory: To be completely honest, I don't know that they do. But some of them like me.
Melissa: [breathes sharply] How about this? I'm just gonna do, like, a regift speech. I'll just repurpose some of the compliments I've gotten over the years. Okay?


Quote from Ava

Ava: Your award put the spotlight on Abbott, so we have to make the most of it before the news moves on to a cannibal celebrity or some new Frisbee dog champion. Now, get onstage and tell me if these lasers blind you.

Quote from Melissa

Melissa: Hey, Pink Floyd, since you gave me nothing to work with for your intro, I thought maybe I'd just go with the quickest dinner grace I know, but I thank you instead of Jesus.
Gregory: Uh, Melissa.
Melissa: What's up?
Gregory: How do you feel about all this?
Melissa: Yeah, you know, it's all bit showy and goofy, but I do like that giant gift certificate to Bone Town. I like that sort of thing. You know, food.

Quote from Ava

Ava: [over intercom] Paging Educator of the Year, Mr. Eddie. Your essence is needed at the award presentation, so bring that punim to the gym.

Quote from Barbara

Barbara: Janine, do you believe you're the worst teacher?
Janine: I don't know. I've done everything I can for Deshaun, and it's not enough, so maybe.
Barbara: So, what you're gonna do is pick yourself up, dust yourself off, come back here tomorrow, and do your job.
Janine: But I didn't solve the problem. I am failing him.
Barbara: I have been called a bad teacher more times than I can ever remember. [Janine sniffles] People have thrown dirt on my name. Others have given flowers. [Janine sighs] But it's all a garden to me.
Janine: Barbara, I've never seen you fail a child. You always find a solution.
Barbara: Oh, please. I do not always have the answer. In fact, there are some issues and problems that are just too difficult for anyone, even me, to solve in one school year. But if you come back here tomorrow ready to do your job, having not given up on yourself or that student, well, that is not failure. Sometimes, that's what success looks like. So, how long do you think that conversation was? You know, let's just round it up to 15 minutes. Now, I am going to need you to initial and sign my IGAL worksheet.
Janine: Oh, okay.
Barbara: Yeah. See? There you go. [Janine sniffles] Oh, and if you see any more weeping millennials roaming the hallway, please, send them my way.
Janine: Okay. Um, thank you so much.
Barbara: Thank you, baby.

Quote from Melissa

Melissa: Hey! What are you doing in here, Mr. Educator of the Year? The ceremony's out this way.
Gregory: Look, I don't think I can go up there and accept this award.
Melissa: What? They set up the whole gym for you. I wrote you this great speech. Well, I landed on a Jalen Hurts tribute post that I repurposed, but still.

Quote from Melissa

Gregory: Honestly, I feel ridiculous. Like, I don't deserve this award. [Melissa scoffs] With everything that Barbara does for the school, and you teaching two grades, and... and... and Janine getting yelled at by a parent, I feel like I'm the last person who should get this.
Melissa: Yeah, you're definitely not the best teacher in Philadelphia. Or, you know, this school. Or your grade. Or even this classroom.
Gregory: Is there a point? Like, where are we going?
Melissa: Gregory, you don't deserve to be Educator of the Year.
Gregory: Still waiting for that point.
Melissa: But I've seen you stick it out and improve week after week. You work really hard to get better, and you care. So maybe someday, you'll grow into deserving this award. But you know what? They're not gonna give it to you then. 'Cause you can't choose when people acknowledge you. This is your moment. So just, hey, think of it like you accept the award early.
Gregory: Okay. Maybe I'm like "Rookie of the Year."
Melissa: Yeah. Well, the thing is, you are still an important member of this team, so get in the game. [Gregory breathes sharply] Yeah! Let's go, Slugger!

Quote from Gregory

Gregory: I can't fully accept this award because I'm still learning.
Elizabeth Washington: Cameras back up.
Gregory: As teachers, we all are. But every day I can come in here and teach, I'm being held up by some of the most incredibly deserving teachers here at Abbott. [Mr. Johnson stops Jacob snapping his fingers] This profession isn't about being the best, it's about doing your best. Being a constant for your students on the good days, the bad, the terrible. It's the showing up that counts. Uh, so I'd like to dedicate this award to all the teachers here at Abbott who show up every day and give their best. [chuckles lightly] It's an honor to walk through those doors with you every morning. Thank you. [cheers and applause]
Elizabeth Washington: Thank you. And please, please give a hand to this wonderful Black man.

Quote from Mr. Johnson

Barbara: All right. Let's see who's teaching this. [keys clack] Okay.
Mr. Johnson: [on computer] Hello, everyone. I'm your teacher, Dr. Johnson. Welcome to Intergenerational Active Listening, also known as iGal. Okurr? The active listening class that hits different, no cap. I'll be your teacher, but not your friend. And I'm low-key deadass. You don't like it, then hop off, bro. Feel free to chime in if someone hasn't understood the assignment. Ya feel me, stupid?
Barbara: Stupid?
Mr. Johnson: Did I say that right? [Ashley pulls the camera towards her]
Barbara: Oh, Lord.
Ashley: Deadass.
Barbara: Dea-? [Barbara grunts as she shuts her laptop]

Quote from Janine

Janine: Let me in the group chat.
Jacob: No.
Gregory: I tried, but they say you "ha ha" every text.
Janine: That's not fair, and that's not true.

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