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Quote from Melissa in Educator of the Year

Gregory: Honestly, I feel ridiculous. Like, I don't deserve this award. [Melissa scoffs] With everything that Barbara does for the school, and you teaching two grades, and... and... and Janine getting yelled at by a parent, I feel like I'm the last person who should get this.
Melissa: Yeah, you're definitely not the best teacher in Philadelphia. Or, you know, this school. Or your grade. Or even this classroom.
Gregory: Is there a point? Like, where are we going?
Melissa: Gregory, you don't deserve to be Educator of the Year.
Gregory: Still waiting for that point.
Melissa: But I've seen you stick it out and improve week after week. You work really hard to get better, and you care. So maybe someday, you'll grow into deserving this award. But you know what? They're not gonna give it to you then. 'Cause you can't choose when people acknowledge you. This is your moment. So just, hey, think of it like you accept the award early.
Gregory: Okay. Maybe I'm like "Rookie of the Year."
Melissa: Yeah. Well, the thing is, you are still an important member of this team, so get in the game. [Gregory breathes sharply] Yeah! Let's go, Slugger!

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