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Quote from Gregory in Educator of the Year

Melissa: So, apparently, I'm supposed to say some nice things about you, so why don't you just tell me some of the things you think you accomplished over the year, and I'll whip it up into an intro? Okay, have a seat.
Gregory: Alright. Uh, okay. I feel like we've made progress on identifying shapes, although a lot of them got hexagons and polygons confused. And then one of them thought a polygon was the Pentagon, and...
Melissa: Okay, just give me something, anything you thought you were good at go.
Gregory: I-I don't- I don't really know. I feel like I'm below average at teaching language arts, which, like, what does that say about me?
Melissa: How about I say you are punctual? And all the kids love you.
Gregory: To be completely honest, I don't know that they do. But some of them like me.
Melissa: [breathes sharply] How about this? I'm just gonna do, like, a regift speech. I'll just repurpose some of the compliments I've gotten over the years. Okay?

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