Melissa Quote #180

Quote from Melissa in Educator of the Year

Melissa: Hey, Pink Floyd, since you gave me nothing to work with for your intro, I thought maybe I'd just go with the quickest dinner grace I know, but I thank you instead of Jesus.
Gregory: Uh, Melissa.
Melissa: What's up?
Gregory: How do you feel about all this?
Melissa: Yeah, you know, it's all bit showy and goofy, but I do like that giant gift certificate to Bone Town. I like that sort of thing. You know, food.


 ‘Educator of the Year’ Quotes

Quote from Ava

Ava: Barbara, this came for you.
Barbara: I have to go to court?
Ava: Oh, wait. This is a cease-and-desist for me. Coleman Camping Supplies seems to think that they're the only Colemans that can sell camping supplies. I got lanterns, too.

Quote from Jacob

Melissa: There's a green bubble on the group chat.
Gregory: I have an iPhone, but I left the group chat after Mr. Johnson started that soup thread.
Jacob: Uh, it's me, okay? I-I got a new phone. A droid.
Janine: Wait, there's a group chat?
Jacob: Look, it's not easy being green, okay? Android discrimination is one of the last acceptable forms of hate in this country. There was a pothole on 50th Street. I tried to warn you about it.
Melissa: Yeah, well, I hit it because I couldn't read your stupid text. I just don't have time for this. [throws Jacob's phone] Go back to the blue bubble! Life is hard enough as it is. Now I got two classes worth of grades to finish and a tire to replace.
Jacob: You know what? I would like to see your phone survive that.

Quote from Barbara

Ava: You didn't complete your continuing education requirements.
[aside to camera:]
Barbara: Every five years, every schoolteacher must take continuing education classes, as mandated by the school district, which means that after all these years, I must prove to them that I can still teach. It is preposterous.