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Pool Party

‘Pool Party’

Season 8, Episode 12 - Aired January 19, 2012

As Robert gets ready to sell his house following his break-up, he invites the employees to a pool party for one last hoorah.

Quote from Kevin

Kevin: [to Robert] Dude, what if, since you're feeling grumpy, we all swing by tonight and check out your indoor pool?
Oscar: Kevin, no.
Robert: What, as some sort of last hoorah?
Kevin: Yeah. All of us in the pool, saying hoorah. Maybe the last one that says hoorah is it.
Robert: You know, I suppose someone should enjoy the place before I hand it over to the staging experts at Remax tomorrow. Let's try this: everyone, tonight, my house, wear a swimsuit. Let's just call it a get-together. And let's say no food.
Kevin: Hey, Oscar, was that you who just created a party out of thin air or was it me?
Oscar: That, was you, Kevin.
Kevin: It was me.


Quote from Meredith

Meredith: You going tonight, kiddo? Cause I can give you a lift.
Erin: Oh, I don't know, Meredith. It seems like you shouldn't drive maybe ever.
Meredith: It's no problem. You live right near me.
Erin: How do you know where I live?
Meredith: Andy followed you home after the Christmas party.
Erin: Why?
Meredith: He wanted to make sure California didn't put it in you.
Erin: Oh. Come on.

Quote from Jim

Jim: Robert, just wanted to grab you one second. This place is amazing, by the way.
Robert: You should see the whole thing.
Jim: I bet I should. [takes cell phone photo] That's beautiful. I'm going to email that to you.

Quote from Toby

Oscar: Holy cow!
Robert: Wine collection.
Oscar: How many bottles? Three hundred?
Robert: [laughs] About twelve hundred. What the hell, grab a bottle. Less inventory for the lawyers.
Oscar: Toby! Chateau Margaux '95. You know your wine.
Toby: Well, and you have a... Yes, a... Another chateau.

Quote from Robert

Robert: I had two bears sewn together to make this king-size. Total waste of two bears.
Jim: To both these bears.
Ryan: To both these bears.
Toby: Bears.
Oscar: To both these bears.

Quote from Kevin

Darryl: Hey Val. Want a beer? It might taste better than that pool water you've been drinking.
Val: No, I'm good. Thank you.
Darryl: Cool.
Val: Cool. [to Kevin] Does Darryl not swim?
Kevin: That's racist! I don't know. But I would say, by looking at him, no, Darryl does not swim.

Quote from Dwight K. Schrute

Dwight K. Schrute: Ugh. Same old party, same old people. Am I right? Reminds me of Phyllis's birthday.
Andy: Ooh, do not remind me of Phyllis's birthday.
Dwight K. Schrute: I know. [laughs] But boy, that Erin. She sure is a ripe little tiger, isn't she? Rawr! And to think, I always thought of her as a second Meredith. Respectfully, I don't want us walking into a similar Angela kind of situation.
Andy: Mmm.
Dwight K. Schrute: So I just want to make sure that you are completely, one hundred percent done with Erin.
Andy: Last I checked, I'm with Jessica. And I like to get my monog on. It's monogamy for my hog 'n me.
Dwight K. Schrute: Not what I asked.
Andy: We're done. Erin and I are over.
Dwight K. Schrute: Okay. So then you won't mind if tonight I just go crazy on her, just go nuts, rawr! With sex.
Andy: Have at it. Or take it slow. Whatever you guys work out.
Dwight K. Schrute: [sighs] You're an idiot.

Quote from Robert

Robert: And of course, the pool. The ultimate lubricant for any wild evening. It was here that my parties would have crescendoed into true madness.
Jim: To madness.

Quote from Gabe

Ryan: Robert, I want you to know, I'm here to rock with you as late as you want, man.
Gabe: And that goes double for me. I'll stay even later than you'd like.

Quote from Gabe

Angela: [sticks a hand in the pool] Oh, it is warm.
Cathy: It's almost too warm.
Gabe: I'm feeling eighty-two, eighty-two and a half.
Ryan: Oh, so close. Eighty-one.
Gabe: [to Cathy] Well, we'll say its eight-two and it'll be our secret.

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