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Christmas Wishes

‘Christmas Wishes’

Season 8, Episode 10 - Aired December 8, 2011

Andy hopes to make everyone's wishes come true at the Christmas party. Seeing Andy with his new girlfriend, Erin drinks to excess. Meanwhile, Dwight and Jim try to get the other in trouble after Andy calls for an end to their pranks.

Quote from Robert

Robert: Erin, what can I get for you?
Erin: Uh, do you have cola? Kirkland if you have it.
Robert: Now, why would you come to a bar and ask for a cola when you can get some from the kitchen? Did some small part of you want something a little stronger? Ryan, Kevin, Phyllis, Oscar, come and take these shots!


Quote from Erin

Andy: How many drinks have you had tonight? I can't be driving everybody home.
Erin: A thousand.
Andy: Whoa! Maybe you should take a break.
Erin: [seriously] Maybe you should mind your own business. [normal voice] Just kidding!

Quote from Dwight K. Schrute

Dwight K. Schrute: Ah! I've been attacked! Oh, my God! Oh! Someone put a porcupine in my drawer!
Toby: Oh, my God.
Dwight K. Schrute: Yeah, I was just sitting here at my desk and I, I reached into my drawer to grab my toothbrush and some tooth powder and- and all of a sudden I was attacked by this blood thirsty rabid creature!
Jim: I wonder, in this office, who has access to a porcupine?
Dwight K. Schrute: Or who in this office knows that I have access and is trying to set me up?
Jim: Hmm...

Quote from Dwight K. Schrute

Dwight K. Schrute: Hello? Lacerated hand here folks.
Jim: Nice try, this is ridiculous.
Dwight K. Schrute: Oh is it really? Two separate times you have set me up to believe I was being recruited by the CIA.
Jim: Three times.
Dwight K. Schrute: You see?
Andy: Jim, this has your fingerprints all over it.
Jim: Andy, you've gotta be kidding me.

Quote from Toby

Toby: Fingerprints can be planted. You know with a severed hand...
Kelly: Do you think that's what happened? Do you think he used a severed hand?

Quote from Dwight K. Schrute

Jim: [on the phone] Yes, I'm calling from Dunder Mifflin. We have a very rabid porcupine in our office, someone should come pick it up.
Dwight K. Schrute: Come down right away!
Jim: [on phone] Uh, I don't know, let me ask. [to Dwight] Uh, were you quilled?
Dwight K. Schrute: Yes, I was quilled.
Jim: And what's its name?
Dwight K. Schrute: Henrietta.
Jim: Oops.

Quote from Erin

Erin: Hey, I never told you my Christmas wish.
Andy: Ah, okay.
Erin: It's about you.
Andy: That's not what it should be, it should just be like a trinket or something.
Erin: t's that I wish Jessica was dead.
Andy: You- You- Wait. You mean you wish she wasn't here or something.
Erin: I wish she was in a graveyard! Under the ground...with worms coming out of her mouth.
Andy: Hey, you know, you can't say that, okay? That's my girlfriend that you're talking about. You and I are not together anymore. You need to get over it! Take your wish back.
Erin: Too late! It's already been wished! And you promised it would come true. You wrote it in an email! So, which one are you? A murderer or a liar?

Quote from Jim

Jim: Let me just see that one more time. Yep, you know what? I know who my friends are, now. But I shouldn't have got you involved because the truth is, I don't even really care about this picture, it's a little out of focus. It was probably an accident, right? Like...
Oscar: That's no accident.
Jim: Right. You're right. So maybe it was me who did accident.
Phyllis: What?
Oscar: What?
Jim: I'll figure it out. Get to the bottom of it... Merry merry.

Quote from Andy

Andy: You know those movies where two friends are sleeping together and it's like, hey, can they stay friends?
Jim: Yes.
Andy: Do you think two friends who are not sleeping together can stay friends?
Jim: Two friends who are not sleeping together, can they remain friends? Yes. Yep.
Andy: No. Idon't- Hmm. I don't know.

Quote from Kelly

Kelly: Jessica, did you just fart? [silence]
[aside to camera:]
Kelly: And that, is how it's done.

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