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Preventa Mode

‘Preventa Mode’

Season 7, Episode 14 - Aired February 12, 2020

When Adam and Dana's prospective dates ask each other out, Beverly intervenes as a "preventa" to break the pair up. Meanwhile, Barry goes out on a date with his college teacher.

Quote from Adam

Boy Band Member #1: This song goes out to the lovely Brea... From Adam.
Adam: Good God, no.
Boy Band: [to tune of Candy Girl] Brea, girl You are Adam's world It would be so great If you were his date He really, really, really, really Wants you to be his date.
Johnny: [claps] I'm a rock guy, but sometimes good is just good.


Quote from Beverly

Adam: You!
Beverly: Always pull through? I know.
Adam: I told you I'd handle it on my own.
Beverly: But I found out that Andrew is still hung up on Brea. He was gonna swoop right in, and then you'd have no date.
Adam: So what? This doesn't have anything to do with you.
Beverly: Sweetie, we are in this together. When you hurt, I hurt.
Adam: Are you also feeling the overwhelming humiliation you just caused me?
Beverly: No, I'm actually still buzzing from that amazing jam.
Adam: Well, you're right about one thing. You're a great preventa, 'cause you just made sure me and Brea have no chance.

Quote from Barry

Barry: Professor Lee, there's this awesome rock song about inappropriate love I'm trying to base my life on.
Professor Lee: You mean that deafening noise made by morally questionable gentlemen?
Barry: You're not a fan of rock?
Professor Lee: Only the ones I paint. This is one of my most recent.
Barry: Oh, that's lovely! You got a medium-size one and a little fella, and, look, [chuckles] there's a boulder.
Professor Lee: [chuckles] You know your rock sizes.
Barry: So, is Elana in trouble for going out with me?
Professor Lee: It's certainly frowned upon, but there's nothing in the code of conduct that says a teacher can't date a student.
Barry: There isn't?
Professor Lee: Nope. Had there been, I wouldn't have met my one and only sexual partner... My wife of 30 years.
Barry: That's great... I mean, not about your old wife, but Elana's not getting in trouble?
Professor Lee: She's not... Unless she gave you a grade you didn't deserve.
Barry: She gave me an A.
Professor Lee: I'm calling the dean.
Barry: Oh, no!

Quote from Erica

Erica: Hang up that phone.
Professor Lee: Who are you?
Geoff: She's his sister.
Erica: Geoff, I can speak for myself. I'm his sister.
Geoff: Nailed it, babe.
Erica: And here's the thing... Barry earned that A. Barry's paper was smart, creative, and oddly persuasive.
Barry: You really liked it?
Erica: I did. And I'm sorry I was so petty and competitive. The fact is, you are so much smarter than I give you credit for.
Barry: Thanks. That means a lot.
Erica: It's true. And you deserve to go out with Elana if that's what you want. Then go.

Quote from Beverly

Murray: Hey. What's going on here?
Beverly: I hired a boy band without Adam's knowledge to help lock down his Valentine's date, and for some reason, he's mad at me.
Murray: That doesn't sound good.
Beverly: I can still fix it. I just need you to call the school, say you're Brea's dad, and demand her class schedule.
Murray: How 'bout I do nothing and you stay out of it?
Beverly: If I stayed out of it with you and Ilene, you'd be married to that sack of wet corn.

Quote from Murray

Murray: Bevy, you and I being together has nothing to do with you preventa'ing Ilene.
Beverly: 'Course it does.
Murray: No, I just liked you.
Beverly: Well, yeah, but she had the, uh... The face and the stuff.
Murray: You had everything.
Beverly: Oh, Murray.
Murray: If this girl likes Adam, it'll work out for him, too.

Quote from Beverly

Beverly: Schmoo? I'm sorry I interfered with Brea. You ask her when you're ready.
Adam: But what if she says no?
Beverly: Is that what you've been afraid of?
Adam: I just like her so much.
Beverly: Well, you're never gonna know if you don't ask.
Adam: But I don't want to mess it up.
Beverly: Yeah, I might not be impartial, but, uh... Anyone would be a fool to say no to you.

Quote from Barry

Elana Reid: So, no one's in trouble?
Barry: Not even a little. And, even better, we can go out again.
Elana Reid: Here's the thing, Barry. I don't think we should.
Barry: Oh.
Elana Reid: You're a great guy. It's just not a good idea.
Barry: [sighs] That sucks, but I get it.
Elana Reid: I hope you're okay.
Barry: I am. And I think it's time to get myself back out there. Thanks for helping me realize that.
Elana Reid: Whoever that ends up being, she's a lucky lady.
Barry: Not as lucky as the guy who ends up with you.

Quote from Adam

Adult Adam: [v.o.] And, sure, sometimes it doesn't work out how you imagined, but if you don't take a chance, you'll never know if your dreams could become a reality.
Brea: I'm glad you asked me. What took you so long?
Adam: Just waiting for the right moment.
Adult Adam: [v.o.] Because at the end of the day, love is about finding someone who makes every day feel like a dream.

Quote from Matt

Andy: This really has been the best Pal-entine's Day ever.
Naked Rob: [sighs] My heart is full.
Matt: So is my stomach. That pasta was amazing.
Andy: Oh! And the carriage ride? Even though we didn't have a blanket, I still felt toasty.
Naked Rob: Let's finish strong.
[After they ice skate together:]
Andy: We need girlfriends.
Naked Rob: So bad.
Matt: Let's never speak of this.

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