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A 100% True Ghost Story

‘A 100% True Ghost Story’

Season 7, Episode 6 - Aired October 30, 2019

Barry wants to throw an epic Halloween party after discovering The Rocky Horror Picture Show, while Erica is more focused on her studies. Meanwhile, Beverly is convinced the house is haunted by a ghost who hates her paintings.

Quote from Barry

Barry: Make sure you cover every square inch of space on that board.
Matt: Trust me, Big Tasty, when I'm done, no one at this college will be able to find a dog sitter, guitar lessons, or the hotline to call when negative thoughts are taking over.
Andy: Hey, uh, just so we're clear, how long do I have to wear this heavy thing?
Barry: As long as it takes to catch the eye of everyone on campus. And you should be moving around more. Start jogging. Move those little legs.
Andy: You got it, Big Tasty. And you not saying thanks is thanks enough.
Barry: Naked Rob, where the hell is my skywriter?
Naked Rob: Nowhere, because it costs $3,000 and I'm still technically a boy.
Barry: Totally unacceptable.


Quote from Geoff

Adult Adam: [v.o.] After their public throwdown in the quad, the dean called Barry and Erica in for a private meeting.
Dean: We take fighting very seriously.
Geoff: Oh, God, will this go on our permanent records?
Dean: Are you a student here?
Geoff: Boyfriend of a student.
Dean: That's not anything.
Geoff: And yet it's all I got.

Quote from Beverly

Beverly: I also feel something. I'm naturally very intuitive. I could've been a psychic.

Quote from Beverly

Karen English: Spirit, we mean you no harm. Please advise us of your intentions. Ooh. Very interesting.
Adam: Oh, balls. What is it?
Beverly: Oh, I-I'm sensing, um, an ancient Indian burial ground.
Karen English: No. This is a Victorian presence.
Beverly: Exactly. An ancient Victorian... Indian burial ground.

Quote from Barry

Barry: An "F"? Uh [chuckles] I think you mean "D".
Professor Majors: I don't.
Barry: How did this happen?
Professor Majors: Did you study?
Barry: No, but a very prestigious school administrator said I needed a work/party balance.
Professor Majors: Did he also say that you will never become a doctor with grades like these?
Barry: But that's my dream. Why would he encourage my reckless lifestyle without highlighting the consequences?
Professor Majors: Well, if I were you, I'd drop everything else and start cramming for the next exam.
Barry: I'm hosting an epic rager for the ages tonight.
Professor Majors: "Rocky Horror"? What is this nonsense?
Barry: It's a movie about a mad scientist who's actually an alien cross-dresser who creates a muscle man in his lab.
Professor Majors: Just another offensive portrayal of a scientist. Why don't we ever hear about the well-adjusted scientist who pays his taxes and shows up consistently for his nephew Brandon? Why is this guy walking around in his undies?
Barry: That's Brad. He's a doof.
Professor Majors: You're a doof. [a student trips and drops her books] Damn it, Janet.

Quote from Beverly

Murray: Could you do me a favor? Could you, uh, talk to the ghost?
Beverly: What are you saying?
Murray: Do what you do best. Protect the family and tear that ghost a new one.
Adult Adam: [v.o.] Turns out the only way to get rid of a prim and proper ghost was to unleash Beverly Goldberg.
Beverly: Uh, hey, Victorian girl... you're gonna need to get the [bleep] out of my house...
Murray: Hoo-hoo!
Beverly: ...or I am gonna sell this house to a family of nudists.
Murray: She'll do it!
Beverly: And it's not gonna be the fit, athletic kind of nudists, either. Oh, no. There's gonna be bits and bobs flappin' all around the kitchen.
Murray: [laughing] This is ridiculous. I love it.
Beverly: It will be hygienically disgusting.
Murray: Give it to 'em, Bevy.
Beverly: So get the [bleep] out of my [bleep] house, you [bleep]-hating [bleep] ghost! Shame on you.

Quote from Adam

Adult Adam: [v.o.] Yeah, those dusty old butt paintings were there to stay... that is, until day turned to night and strange things started to happen.
Beverly: Adam, I told you to stay off the stairs!
Murray: Adam, you moron!
Adult Adam: [v.o.] But I wasn't on the stairs. In fact, no one was.
Beverly: [gasps] Murray, that wasn't Adam. He just walked in dressed as an old Hawaiian lady.
Adam: I'm Weird Al. I only changed my costume 'cause there's another Beetlejuice at school. I let Zach Rosen have the win. His parents are getting divorced.
Murray: Thanks for that journey, but if it wasn't you, how did that picture fall?
Beverly: Something's not right here, something beyond the scope of our understanding.
Adult Adam: [v.o.] She was right. Something was up, something otherworldly and not quite... [ominous chord plays]
Adam: That was my accordion. What a haunting sound, huh?

Quote from Geoff

Erica: Having fun with that thing?
Geoff: [holding handheld vacuum] Oh, you know it. Had a brief scare with the phone cord, but it's been smooth sailing since the rug.

Quote from Barry

Barry: Good Hallow's Eve, sister. Geofferson.
Erica: What do you want?
Barry: I'd very much like to host an intimate gathering to celebrate the passing of October.
Erica: A Halloween party?
Barry: I love it. That's way better than my idea. We shall burn this dorm to the ground.

Quote from Geoff

Barry: I hear you loud and angry.
Adult Adam: [v.o.] But he really didn't. Geoff soon discovered that Barry didn't care what Erica thought.
Geoff: Oh, no.
Adult Adam: [v.o.] Yep, Big Tasty's "Rocky Horror" party was very much on...
Geoff: Oh, no.
Adult Adam: [v.o.] ...and very well advertised.
Geoff: Oh, cuss word, no!
Barry: Oh, cuss word, yes, my high-strung friend.
Geoff: Barry, y-you can't!
Barry: And yet I have. I'm also doing this.
Geoff: Oh, no! This sweet autumn breeze will be the end of me!

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