Best ‘That '70s Show’ Quotes     Page 19 of 25    

Quote from Red in That '70s Finale

Red: Yeah, well, you're gonna need a place to live now that we're moving to Florida.
Kitty: Boy. It's gonna be strange selling the house.
Red: That's true. Plenty of warm memories.
[montage of Red's "foot in ass" rants]
Hyde: Did you ever actually do that with your foot?
Red: Once. On Iwo Jima. I can't talk about it.


Quote from Red in Love of My Life

Kitty: Red, I have bad news. The people I showed the house to, they just weren't interested. I have no idea why.
Red: It doesn't matter. The clown who does yoga made an offer. So I said, "It's a deal, you downward-facing dumbass." Isn't it great? A month from now, we'll be in Florida.
Kitty: Yeah. Far away from all our family and friends.
Red: Jeez, Kitty, put it like that, we should leave tonight!

Quote from Hyde in Love of My Life

Jackie: Hey, Steven, what are you doing?
Hyde: I'm painting this model I just finished. I have a lot more free time now that I quit the circle.
Jackie: What, you quit the circle? What are you, high?
Hyde: I don't do that any more, Jackie. I don't need to. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go for a jog. Oh, and if you see Mrs. Forman, can you let her know that I'll be making the salad tonight?

Quote from Kitty in Love of My Life

Kitty: [P.O.V.] Oh, hello there, I'm Kitty Forman. I'm so excited to show you my home. Okay, now, this is the living room where I have spent many happy hours. Not "happy hours" like at a bar. [laughs] Although, I would be lying if I said I didn't try to start that up around here. No, but I have spent many wonderful times with the kids in here. Before they moved so very far away. Oh, sad! Okay, follow me. And this is my kitchen. And this is the table where Eric would do his homework and Laurie would do her nails. You know, some people used to call her a tramp but that's not fair, there is nothing wrong with being friendly. You know, I guess the four of us will never sit here together again. Okay, let's move on. Now, this is the dining room where we'd have all our special dinners and Red's mother used to always tell me my pot roast was too dry. But what does she know, she's in hell now. [laughs] You know, I always thought that I would serve dinner to my grandchildren in here. Oh, my gosh, I'm just choking up. Okay and here, okay, this is the den. Oh... And these are the marks on the wall where we measured the kids' height when they were growing up. But you'll probably... You'll just, you know, paint over this. You unfeeling bastards! Yeah! You will get this house when you pry it from my cold, dead fingers. Oh, in fact, let me show you one more thing, the door!

Quote from Red in Love of My Life

Red: In here I built a whole workbench against this wall so there is plenty of space for all your tools.
Man: Actually I was thinking I could turn it into a yoga studio.
Red: Really, and I was thinking I could turn your ass into my foot studio.

Quote from Red in Love of My Life

Kitty: Okay, well, the house is all set. Mr. and Mrs. Dubois should be here any minute.
Red: Dubois? Kitty, I don't want Germans moving in here!
Kitty: I think they're French.
Red: Yes, and if they buy the house, they'll give it up to the first German who knocks at the door.
Kitty: Okay, well, I have to get to work. Are you sure you can show this house by yourself?
Red: Kitty, I showed a Japanese soldier the inside of his own stomach, I think I can show a house.

Quote from Kelso in Misfire

Kelso: So it's the last circle before I go. Wait a minute, now I get why we call it a circle! That is freakin' awesome!
Jackie: You know Michael, I will always remember the first boy who kissed me. And proposed to me and told me that putting out makes your nails grow. I really believed you.
Donna: Kelso, I'm kinda gonna miss you constantly trying to grab my boob. Made me feel pretty. I am messed up.
Fez: Donna, I give you my word. I will always be here, trying to grab your boob. We'll do it for Kelso, who won't be here to do it anymore. Oh, God.
Hyde: Man... Kelso, this is weird. I always imagined our last moment together would be me watching you strapped to a home-made rocket flying around in circles screaming, "Turn it off! Turn it off!"
Kelso: Well. I guess this is goodbye. Man, I'm gonna miss this. Like, being down here, I've had, like, the best time of my life. And you know what? No matter where I live, I will love you guys forever. Well, I guess it's time to go. So, see ya. [exits]
Jackie: Bye, Michael.
Donna: Wow. He is really gone.
Fez: My beautiful tormentor.
Hyde: This sucks.
Kelso: [returns] I'm not leaving till tomorrow! And you were crying! Burn!

Quote from Fez in Bohemian Rhapsody

Red: Two bags?
Hyde: I've never seen those before in my life. Your son has a real problem!
Red: Kitty, I want you to take this garbage and flush it down the toilet.
Kitty: I am just glad that we caught you boys before this became an everyday thing.
Red: Is that all of it?
Hyde: Yes, sir, that's all of it.
Fez: Now there is nothing left for us to do but to smoke Candy Land. I mean, I mean, play Candysmoke. [Red finds a baggy in the game] I mean... Ay, no.

Quote from Red in Till the Next Goodbye

Eric: Well, this is it. Just have to make it past Mom's farewell ambush, and then off to Africa.
Red: Actually, Eric, I wanted to talk to you first. I don't know if you know this, but I've been looking forward to you getting out of the house for a long time.
Eric: Yeah. I believe your exact words were, "It will be more glorious than D-day."
Red: Yeah. Well, you're my son, and I'm your father, so... Here.
Eric: That's your pocketknife from Korea. You said if I ever touched that, I'd meet the same fate as hundreds of other godless commies.
Red: Well, I want you to take it to Africa with you.
Eric: Really? Wow, Dad, that means a lot.
Red: And, Son, I want you to know that I'm gonna miss you, and I love you, and have a good trip.
Eric: Wait a second. What did you just say?
Red: I said have a good trip.
Eric: No, before that.
Red: You heard me.
Eric: Wow, this feels like one of those moments when, you know, normal people would hug. [they hug] Thank you, Dad. So, really, any last-minute advice?
Red: Uh, yeah. You lose that knife, don't come home.

Quote from Leo in Till the Next Goodbye

Hyde: Hey, Leo. So, I decided that tomorrow, after I say goodbye to Forman, I'm gonna go to Chicago.
Leo: Hey, loud girl's in Chicago. You should look her up.
Hyde: Good idea. Anyway, what I was thinking is, while I'm gone, you could run the record store. It'd be fun, man, like the old days at The Fotohut. [Leo stares blankly] You know, the film place you used to own?
Leo: Wait. Was it a little blue house in the middle of a parking lot with a drive-up window?
Hyde: Exactly.
Leo: I don't remember that at all, man.

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