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Town Hall

‘Town Hall’

Season 3, Episode 22 -  Aired May 3, 2018

Amy and Jonah put aside their tension to devise a plan to confront the CEO during a town hall meeting. Meanwhile, Glenn is nervous about addressing a worldwide audience.

Quote from Mateo

Mateo: Ooh, we should disguise Jeff as Lana Del Rey. He already has long eyelashes.
Cheyenne: Ooh, that is true, but they still might recognize him.
Mateo: You think?
Garrett: Check it out. I got this camera patched into their feed so if they stop filming when Jeff starts talking, this little bad boy keeps going.
Cheyenne: Oh, I know, we could give him a wig.
Mateo: Yes! Chey, you are such a genius.
Cheyenne: Oh, stop it, you are the genius.
Mateo: You are.
Cheyenne: No.
Garrett: You know what, it actually was really tough to do. I had to figure out how to set up a router to transmit into their signal.
Cheyenne: Did someone ask you to do that?
Garrett: I'm just trying to be part of the plan.
Both: Aww...


Quote from Jeff

Jeff: Not to be critical, Cheyenne, but I feel stupid.
Mateo: I think you look like a hot, skinny Hagrid.
Jeff: Ooh... That I can work with. [as Hagrid] Harry, 'ello Harry. Get me some eye of newt, Harry! [normal voice] Good, right?

Quote from Marcus

Marcus: This is obviously going to be a game-changer. Lots of stores that this would be a great fit for, such as, for example, Target, Wal-Mart, Costco...

Quote from Marcus

Neil Penderson: I'm sorry, are you asking me to carry human cheese in our stores?
Marcus: Oh! I hadn't really... This is unexpected. Yes! Yes! Why not? Let's do it!

Quote from Amy

Amy: Ugh, I touched rat droppings. I need to wash my hands.
Jonah: There's no time! Just don't touch your face.
Amy: No! Now that's all I want to do.

Quote from Cheyenne

Neil Penderson: Well, this has been great. I want to thank you all...
Jeff: Hold on! I've got a question.
Neil Penderson: Look, I'm really glad to see all this excitement from our employees...
Jeff: No, I'm not an employee. It's me! [removes wig, glasses and beard] Jeff Sutton!
Cheyenne: [gasps] Oh, right, I forgot for a second.

Quote from Mateo

Jeff: Hey! There's my team.
Mateo: Oh, nice suit. Is that from our Benedict Arnold Collection?

Quote from Glenn

Laurie: So, Neil Penderson, that's our CEO, will speak first, followed by Glenn, and then Neil will take a few more questions. Let's try and remember this event is going to be live-streamed, so... let's try to avoid anything controversial, okay?
Glenn: Laurie, by live-stream do you mean in the conventional sense, like running water or...
Laurie: No, I mean you're going to be filmed and then broadcast live to all of our stores.
Glenn: Oh!

Quote from Glenn

Glenn: When you say all of the stores, do you mean all the stores in the St. Louis area...
Laurie: I mean all of our stores across the globe.
Glenn: So, Earth. That's fun.

Quote from Mateo

Mateo: Ooh, I'm going to ask what's the craziest rich person thing he's ever done.
Cheyenne: I bet it's something like blowing up a cow with a bazooka, or hunting a person.
Garrett: Oh, that dude's definitely played the most dangerous game.
Laurie: I'm... going to... add that area to this list.

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