‘New Initiative’
Season 4, Episode 7 - Aired November 15, 2018
After Cloud 9 launches a new initiative to smile and talk to customers, Dina and Garrett compete over who can keep up their sunny disposition the longest. Meanwhile, Jonah's parents, Richard (Fred Melamed) and Marilyn (Meagen Fay) visit the store.
Quote from Glenn
Glenn: Today is the start of a brand-new corporate initiative: "Going the Extra Smay-zle!"
Garrett: A couple questions.
Glenn: Mm-hmm.
Garrett: What is a smayzle, how do you go the extra one, and what if you probably weren't going the standard amount of smayzles to begin with?
Glenn: I... Well, Dina?
Mateo: Uh, I think it's supposed to be "Going the Extra Smile," 'cause that rhymes with "mile" and we have "aisles."
Glenn: One interpretation.
Quote from Sandra
Dina: Basically they just want everyone to start making small talk with the customers. [all groaning]
Glenn: Oh, come on. It'll be fun! You just put on your best Cloud 9 smile... [Dina doesn't smile] ...and then talk about whatever. You know, ask them about their purchases or ask about their Thanksgiving plans. Oh, you can talk about your pets.
Sandra: Does that include exotic pets?
Dina: Oh, Sandra, for the last time. There's nothing exotic about a cat with dementia.
Glenn: The point is, human connection is what sets us apart from online retailers. That's our secret weapon.
Amy: Oh, so this is how corporate plans on taking down Amazon? By having Sandra talk about her dying cat?
Sandra: He has plenty of time.
Quote from Dina
Dina: You know, my cousin deep-fried a turkey last year, but he didn't thaw it completely. Huge explosion. Bunch of his face just melted clean off. He's had to have a ton of surgeries. We keep telling him he looks good as new, but really, he kind of looks like one of those baseball mitts from the 1920s. Anyway, be safe. Gobble-gobble. [chuckles]
Garrett: Is that your idea of going the extra smile? Talking about your cousin with no lips?
Dina: Uh, he has lips. They used them to reshape his eyebrows.
Quote from Dina
Garrett: Hey, I'm there with you. I do not like small talk, and I hate smiling all day like an idiot.
Dina: Yeah, well it's harder for you with that weak face.
Garrett: "Weak face"? How is my face weak?
Dina: I don't know, it's just not strong.
Garrett: It's as strong as yours.
Dina: Oh, please. I have complete musculofascial control. When I was seven, I corrected my own lazy eye. I could out-smile you any day.
Quote from Jonah
Amy: Oh, Dr. Simms. Where are Richard and Marilyn?
Jonah: Uh, I told them I needed a new 13-pin phone charger, so that should confuse them for a little bit. Uh, look, I know this may all seem a little weird...
Amy: Insane. Cuckoo Bananas.
Jonah: Okay, uh, long story short: I dropped out of business school, my parents kept asking me what my plan was, and I didn't want to tell them I was working at Cloud 9. That's not a judgment on working here. It's just my parents have really high expectations.
Amy: That's so weird. It was my parent's dream that I would stock shelves for a living one day.
Jonah: Anyway, I told them that I was thinking about going to medical school, which I was... kind of, and then one thing led to another and now I'm doing my rotation in hematology.
Amy: And what is hematology?
Jonah: I think it's, uh... It's the study of blood or not... Mmm, not blood itself, but, like, the vessels or I don't know. I have to Google it again.
Quote from Glenn
Glenn: Hello there. How's your day going?
Man: Fine.
Glenn: Wow, you've got quite the full cart, huh? You got a shovel, a tarp, and some duct tape and kitchen knives and garbage bags... And a saw? Whoo. Big Thanksgiving plans?
Man: Just a small dinner with my mom. We have a lot of catching up to do. Where do you keep your bleach?
Glenn: [gulps] [stammering] I think we're actually out of bleach.
Man: It's fine. I'll get it online.
Glenn: No! Wait, we- We have bleach. It's aisle nine.
Man: You've been very helpful. Thank you.
Quote from Mateo
Man: Excuse me, do you know anything about drills?
Mateo: Oh, God, no. Ew. [scoffs]
Quote from Mateo
Mateo: My parents still think I'm straight.
Jonah: Really?
Mateo: What? I could be straight. [deep voice] Oh, my God, a football. Throw!
Quote from Mateo
Mateo: [deep voice] I hate to see her go, but I love looking at her butt. [normal voice] See? This is easy for me.
Quote from Sandra
Sandra: Um, Dina? You know how you always tell us not to leave the Sudafed case open, especially when teens are around, 'cause one of them might distract you with skateboard tricks and all of their friends will come and steal all the Sudafed? Well, that happened.
Dina: [smiling] What? Are you serious?
Sandra: Guess it is kind of funny. [chuckles] I was so scared that you'd be mad at me.
Dina: No, I am mad. You're an idiot.
Sandra: [mimics] "You're an idiot! I'm so angry!" [laughs] I love our jokey "I hate you, but I really love you" back-and-forth.
Dina: No, this is not a joke. I really, really hate you.
Sandra: I "hate" you too. [winks] [giggles]