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Employee Appreciation Day

‘Employee Appreciation Day’

Season 4, Episode 22 -  Aired May 16, 2019

Amy and Dina announce "Employee Appreciation Day" to improve morale as the workers discuss unionizing. Meanwhile, Corporate's extreme attempt to quash the union movement puts one employee in peril.

Quote from Garrett

Garrett: I'm sorry, did MC Cool Cloud just impregnate a human?
Mateo: I think he did.


Quote from Amy

Jonah: So, if you can just help us with our problems, my hours keep getting cut, and I don't make a livable wage.
Amy: Well, I do help you with that, because I pay the rent.
All: Oh!
Cheyenne: Oh, snap.
Garrett: This is definitely better than Paddington.

Quote from Jonah

Amy: All I'm saying is that unions aren't always right, and corporate isn't always wrong.
Jonah: That's not what you said when they made you come back to work two days after having a baby.
Justine: Yeah, you were livin' la vida pissed.
Cheyenne: I bet you get maternity leave now, though.
Glenn: Oh, yeah, there's a really great plan for managers.
Amy: This isn't about me. I'm never getting pregnant again, so-
Jonah: Sure, but other people might be- Wait. Never?
Amy: I don't know.
Jonah: I mean, I don't know where this is going, but-
Amy: I just- I haven't thought about it.
Jonah: Yeah, I haven't thought about it either, but it's a conversation we should have at some point.
Amy: At some point, Jonah, not this point.
Justine: Livin' la vida awkward.
Garrett: So you thought, "That first one killed. I'm gonna go back to that well."

Quote from Carol

Sandra: Well, I care about maternity leave. I'm not pregnant, but I am in a relationship that's going very well, and we don't use protection.
Carol: Cut the crap, Sandra. I know you're sleeping with Jerry.
Garrett: Whoa.
Sayid: What? I- I-
Justine: You broke the coin flip?
Marcus: Why do we even have laws?
Mateo: I guess Amy's not the only hypocrite in the room.

Quote from Jeff

Jeff: ICE? You're bringing in ICE? Wow, that's, uh, that's extreme.
Dan: Yeah, Jeff, that's why we're doing it. It's extreme. We're also starting a group called Working Families of Cloud 9 that I think-
Jeff: I have to go to the bathroom. [clears throat]
Neil Penderson: You can just go. You don't have to announce it.
Jeff: Okay, it's diarrhea, so I'm probably gonna be gone for a while. [exits]
Neil Penderson: He makes me uncomfortable.

Quote from Amy

Amy: Mateo! Mateo! ICE is coming!
Glenn: Isn't it "winter is coming"?
Cheyenne: Did you guys see the finale?
Sayid: Nobody spoil it. I've never watched the show.
Amy: No, I mean ICE, Immigration. They're coming right now.
Mateo: Oh, my God!
Jonah: You have to leave.
Amy: Oh, my God. Wait, what? You knew? Why didn't you tell me?
Jonah: It's not my secret. It's Mateo's secret.
Marcus: You told Jonah? I thought that was between us.
Cheyenne: You told Marcus too?
Glenn: Wait, did you tell him before you told me?
Sayid: You shouldn't tell so many people.
Amy: Is there anybody else you didn't tell or just me?

Quote from Garrett

Garrett: [over PA] Attention Cloud 9 employees: were you born in a foreign country? Have you overstayed a visa or did you cross the border illegally? Well, today is not your lucky day, because ICE is here. So stay tuned, because you can't leave. [to officers] I like to add a little color in the announcements. Fun for everybody.

Quote from Amy

Jonah: What happened?
Amy: They're going through payroll now. I don't know how long it's gonna take, but we have to get Mateo out now.
Jonah: Not sure how happy corporate's gonna be about you doing that.
Amy: Well, [bleep] corporate. I'm done.
Jonah: Welcome back.

Quote from Sandra

Amy: Obviously, we're not gonna just let them take Mateo, so somebody come up with something. There are no bad ideas.
Sandra: What about if we get-
Glenn: Okay, Sandra. Could you just stop it with the wigs, please? Thank you.

Quote from Justine

Justine: Okay, guys guys. I actually think I have something here. "In the event of an ICE enforcement action, anyone who may be in violation of U.S. immigration law should immediately present themselves to an officer for evaluation." This is from
Jonah: Super helpful.

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