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Quote from Amy in Employee Appreciation Day

Amy: Mateo! Mateo! ICE is coming!
Glenn: Isn't it "winter is coming"?
Cheyenne: Did you guys see the finale?
Sayid: Nobody spoil it. I've never watched the show.
Amy: No, I mean ICE, Immigration. They're coming right now.
Mateo: Oh, my God!
Jonah: You have to leave.
Amy: Oh, my God. Wait, what? You knew? Why didn't you tell me?
Jonah: It's not my secret. It's Mateo's secret.
Marcus: You told Jonah? I thought that was between us.
Cheyenne: You told Marcus too?
Glenn: Wait, did you tell him before you told me?
Sayid: You shouldn't tell so many people.
Amy: Is there anybody else you didn't tell or just me?

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