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My Karma

‘My Karma’

Season 2, Episode 16 -  Aired February 20, 2003

J.D. and Turk worry about karma when they fear may be responsible for a patient's injuries. Elliot tries to keep Paul from seeing her crazy side. Meanwhile, Dr. Cox pulls out all the stops for Jordan as she gets ready to give birth.

Quote from Turk

Turk: Why am I playing golf? This is all Tiger Woods' fault.


Quote from Dr. Kelso

Dr. Cox: I'm not gonna lie to you there, Bob. I have not been having the greatest day.
Dr. Kelso: Perry, I just drew in this eyebrow five minutes ago, so cry me a river.
Dr. Cox: Anyway, Jordan and I got stuck in this crappy room and I was wondering if... If... Whew!
Dr. Kelso: Perry, if you want a favor, don't beat around the bush, just curtsy.
Dr. Cox: I beg your pardon, there, Backdraft?
Dr. Kelso: You heard what I said. Well? Always remember how I made you do that.

Quote from Ted

Ted: Hey, fellas! Always nice to have visitors. So, what's the dealio?
J.D.: Ted, how bad would it really be if two doctors were hitting golf balls off the roof and they caused a car accident and the driver needed surgery? [Ted is silent]
J.D.: Ted?
Ted: Hey, fellas. Always nice to have visitors. So what's the dealio?
J.D.: No dealio, Ted. We just stopped by to say hi. Hi.
Turk: See you later, buddy.
Ted: Later.

Quote from Dr. Cox

Dr. Donna: I think having babies is so much fun. Don't you?
Jordan: I will choke her.
Dr. Cox: Please, Dr. Berlutti, no more talking.
Dr. Donna: Oh, you know, I really prefer Dr. Donna.
Dr. Cox: No means no, Pep Squad, now beat it.

Quote from Dr. Cox

Dr. Cox: Hey, Girl's Name.
J.D.: What?
Dr. Cox: Give me a break. I got a lot on my mind, Ellen. Oh, look at that, I bounced back. Anyway, the cave bat just kicked me out of its lair. And seeing as I no longer have my all-access pass to Crazy Town, I'm going to need you to occasionally go in and poke her with a broomstick, just to see how she's doing.

Quote from J.D.

J.D.: What if she has the baby while I'm in there?
Jordan: [screams]
Dr. Donna: Here it comes!
J.D.: What the hell is that?
Dr. Donna: [baby talk]
J.D.: [screams] Get it off! Get it off! Somebody get it off!
J.D.: [v.o.] I'll check on her later.

Quote from Elliot

Paul: Elliot, I think you're an amazing girl, I really do. But something just didn't feel right about last night. I've rushed things with people in the past, and I don't wanna do that with you.
Elliot: [v.o.] What does he mean in the past? Does he have an ex-girlfriend? Is that her? Slut!
Elliot: I feel the same way.
Nurse: Hey.
Elliot: Oh, I am on to you.

Quote from Carla

Dr. Cox: Hey, so now, why'd you finally agree to marry Gandhi?
Carla: Well, he's amazing in bed and he has an awesome CD collection.
Dr. Cox: Seriously. What got you to the point where you weren't scared anymore?
Carla: Please, I'm still terrified. I mean, cood luck finding a pen cap at the nurses' station. Know why?
Dr. Cox: Why?
Carla: Ate 'em all.
Dr. Cox: Sounds like good roughage to me.

Quote from Dr. Cox

Carla: What do you do when you get scared?
Dr. Cox: Run away, get a divorce, drink alone. You know, the classics. The thing is that this time I am killing myself for this woman and I'm still getting my ass handed to me.
Carla: There is no Shangri-La, you know. Every relationship is messed up. What makes it perfect is if you still wanna be there when things really suck.
Dr. Cox: You know, I'm not so sure.
Carla: It'll come to you.

Quote from Janitor

Janitor: Right, gentlemen, either of you in the market for a van? $500.
Turk: The windshield cost that much.
Janitor: Oh, 800.
J.D.: No, thanks.
Janitor: Come on. There's still half a deer in the back. I think that's a deer.

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