Roland Schitt Quotes     Page 14 of 16    

Quote from The Incident

Woman: Good morning, are you here for Benny Terkstra?
Roland: Uh, I spoke with somebody named Betty, but I was mowing the lawn at the time, so your guess is as good as mine.
Woman: Betty is Benny's wife. Please, follow me.
Roland: Huh, Betty and Benny? [chuckles] What are they, puppets? [cartoonish voice] It's the Benny and Betty Show!
Johnny: Okay, Roland...
Roland: Tu! Tu! I'm Betty. I'm Benny. I'm Betty!


Quote from The Incident

Stevie: Why do I get the feeling this isn't an open house?
Roland: Maybe it's because of the coffin.
Johnny: This is a funeral, Roland! What exactly did the woman say to you?!
Roland: She said the showing was at nine o'clock. She may have said viewing.
Johnny: What the hell, Roland?!
Roland: Johnny, language, please! A man is dead.

Quote from The Incident

Stevie: Well, I hate to point this out, Mr. Rose, but if you weren't in such a rush to see this place, we wouldn't be at a funeral.
Johnny: No, it's what happens when you leave anything up to Roland. We just have to find a window where we can leave without anybody seeing us. Because the last thing we want to do is offend the woman that's selling us this place.
Stevie: Well, assuming we're actually buying it.
Roland: You know what they say, you can tell the quality of a motel by the food they serve at the owner's funeral.
Johnny: We're not even supposed to be here, Roland, can you put the plate... Is that egg salad?

Quote from The Incident

Betty: Well, now that you're here, why don't you come on in, and pay your respects to Benny?
Johnny: Oh...
Betty: Considering you may be taking over his home.
Johnny: Yes, yes, yes. Well, sure. We can come in, and pay our respects.
Roland: Too bad it's not an open casket. I would've loved to say goodbye to old Benny's face.
Betty: We'd be happy to open it for you.
Johnny: No, no, closed-closed is fine.

Quote from The Job Interview

Johnny: I think the pitch for the new motel went well. If all goes to plan, we should be able to move forward even without Stevie.
Roland: I want you to know, Johnny, I am not gonna abandon you like she did.
Johnny: Stevie didn't abandon us.
Roland: Well, jump ship. Look, origami!

Quote from The Job Interview

Loan Officer: The bank has assessed that you don't have enough assets to secure the loan.
Johnny: I have assets. I'm invested in the motel.
Loan Officer: Which doesn't appear to be in your name.
Johnny: That's right, it's in my partner's name.
Loan Officer: So, you're Stevie Budd?
Stevie: [chuckles] No. Believe it or not, that's actually a woman's name.

Quote from The Job Interview

Roland: Well, you know, uh, I don't wanna be the town gossip here, but, uh, the other day, I got a look at Bob's financial statement on his desk in the office, and that garage is doing great! Plus, he got plugs last year, but... you didn't hear that from me.

Quote from Maid of Honour

Johnny: Oh, Roland, I'm shocked. These rooms are in good shape.
Roland: Well, I don't know what you were expecting, Johnny. I mean, no offense, but I don't throw good money down on lemons. Who am I, you buying your car?
Johnny: Okay, we've had no problems with the car, Roland.
Roland: Well...

Quote from Maid of Honour

Johnny: No, this place has good bones.
Roland: Oh, look... the maid forgot to pick up her tip.
Johnny: Is that a bag full of money?
Roland: Yeah, it's kinda a generous tip when you consider she didn't clean up this garbage and this loaded gun.
Johnny: All right. Don't point it, put it down. Put the gun down. Someone's clearly been squatting here. And by the looks of it, they don't appear to be on the up and up.
Roland: Well, maybe Benny and Betty left this here. And we just inherited a bag of money and a gun. If we're gonna split it up, I call the money.
Johnny: We're not taking the money, Roland. Whoever left it here is obviously coming back for it.
Roland: Why do you say that? I left a pack of chewing gum at the movie theater two weeks ago, and I haven't gone back for it.

Quote from Maid of Honour

Johnny: Roland, I say we go to the police. We have to let them handle it.
Roland: And then what? We offer our guests a discount to stay in the middle of a crime scene.
Johnny: Then what do you suggest?
Roland: Let's stake out the place, Person comes back, takes their stuff, leaves, and we can change the locks. Johnny: Okay, we give it a day, see if the guy comes back.
Roland: Or gal. This is the 21st century, Johnny.
Johnny: Okay.
Roland: Let's get with it. Come on. I'm with it.

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 Chris Elliott