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Correspondents' Lunch

‘Correspondents' Lunch’

Season 5, Episode 15 - Aired February 21, 2013

Leslie is excited to roast local journalists at the Pawnee Correspondents' Lunch. Meanwhile, Ben starts his job at the Sweetums Foundation, and Ann hopes to ask Chris to be her sperm donor.

Quote from Leslie Knope

Leslie Knope: Maybe I should just do impressions. "I'm-a Borat." There's one. But I need to do someone that no one has heard before. Like, I don't know, Neve Campbell? What does Neve Campbell sound like?
Donna: [mumbling] I don't know.
Leslie Knope: Someone, [bleep] tell me what Neve Campbell sounds like.


Quote from Perd Hapley

Ann: Christopher. "Chris-toe-fur." It's like you have furry toes.
Chris: [guffaws] Hilarious.
Ann: I have a question... for you. It's something very important. Which is... What is your... Spirit animal?
Chris: Jaguar. Why do you ask?
Ann: Doin' a survey. Well, survey completed. So take 'er easy.
Perd Hapley: Uh, you didn't ask me. But if you had, the answer I would have given is... Doggie.

Quote from Perd Hapley

Ron Swanson: Chris, Ann wants to ask you something right now. Go, Ann.
Ann: In front of Perd?
Ron Swanson: Yes. No more delays. Go.
Ann: I want to have a baby. Will you be the sperm donor?
Perd Hapley: The story of this situation is it's extremely personal.
Ann: Think it over. Bye.

Quote from Chris

Leslie Knope: Well, the police said they're gonna launch an investigation to see whether or not I was hacked. But it's very complicated, and it could take up to a month.
Chris: There is nothing more disgusting than an invasion of privacy. And I should know. I've had many women steal my undershirts.

Quote from Leslie Knope

Ron Swanson: Who is Todo Toadfoot? You wrote him an email about riding your dragons to Pelennor Fields and signed it "Dimple Broadbelt of Buckland."
Leslie Knope: Yes, that's Ben and my fantasy Lord Of The Rings pen pal letters. I am a little embarrassed by that.

Quote from Donna

Leslie Knope: First, I'd like you all to check under your chairs. I think you might be surprised and excited by what you find.
Shauna Malwae-Tweep: Is it chocolate?
Leslie Knope: Even better. It's dirt. The EPA has recently reviewed our soil samples, and they determined that we achieved, and I quote, "Minimal acceptable standards." So... not too shabby.
Kim Terlando: Uh, Councilwoman Knope, you've claimed construction will take 18 months, but a source tells me it will be much longer.
Leslie Knope: I would-- I would deny that report.
Kim Terlando: I've also learned that the EPA found midi-chlorians in the soil. How serious is that, exactly?
Leslie Knope: It's very serious, Kim. It's almost as serious as email hacking, which is what you have been doing to me for weeks. [gasps; silence] I really thought you guys would gasp there.
Kim Terlando: That is a baseless accusation.
Leslie Knope: Midi-chlorians are a fictional substance found in the blood of Jedi knights from the movie Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace. Which, side-note, was a terrible movie. It almost destroyed the franchise, according to my husband. But that is neither here nor there.
Donna: The point is I sent Councilwoman Knope the fake email about the EPA finding midi-chlorians, an hour ago... As a trap. Into which you have fallen.
Kim Terlando: Well... I have never seen Star Wars, because I was too busy hooking up with guys. Unlike you losers.
Donna: [guffaws] Uh, you wanna compare numbers, Terlando? Get to steppin'.

Quote from Chris

Chris: Ann Perkins!
Ann: Hey, Chris! Got to run to a meeting. With Ron.
Chris: Great idea! I'll run to my next meeting.

Quote from Ben

Jessica Wicks: I need you to select your first charity by tomorrow. Sweetums' public image is currently at an all-time low.
Ben: Yeah, there's even a rumor going around that the chocolate is made of rat parts.
Jessica Wicks: [laughing] Well... You know what they say about rumors.
Ben: Yeah.
Jessica Wicks: They're mostly true.
Ben: Including the rat thing?
Jessica Wicks: Yeah. What are you gonna do? It's where all the flavor comes from.

Quote from Andy

Andy: Ben? Ben?
Ben: Yeah, Andy.
Andy: I think I might have found something that's actually pretty cool.
Ben: Okay, well, just put it aside, and I'll read it later.
April: No. Andy found it, and he's gonna tell you about it right now. Go, babe.
Andy: Uh, it's the Redwood Music Program. It's an after-school music class for at-risk kids. It'll keep them off the street.
April: Whoa.
Andy: And the streets, as you know, are dangerous. Example: I fell in a sewer grate once. I was there all day. In conclusion, we cannot let our children live in the sewer any longer. Redwood Music Program-- go, your honor, amen. [April claps]

Quote from Tom

Ben: That's a great idea. Anyone else come across anything good? Tom?
Tom: Um, yeah. I got a good one. It's called the Clean Sheet Foundation. [throws pamphlet] That's my pick.
Ben: They provide legal assistance to the KKK. This is your pick?
Tom: Yeah. Can you pass the bonbons?

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