‘The Box’
Season 3, Episode 5 - Aired October 15, 2013
After Nick inherits some money from his father, Jess tries to steer him to use the money wisely. Meanwhile, Schmidt seeks advice from Rabbi Feiglin (guest star Jon Lovitz) on how to be a good person.
Quote from Nick
Nick: What is this?!
Jess: Yarn.
Nick: What are you knitting, a mansion?! Oh, look at this. What do we have here? A bunch of beat-up old sacks.
Jess: My vintage purses.
Nick: Well, you know what? They could be sexier.
Jess: You want my purses to be sexier?
Nick: Would it kill you to get something sleek, covered in gems for once?
Jess: You want my purses to be covered in gemstones?
Nick: All guys do! That's what we think is sexy! We want to be playing a saxophone in an alley and have you walk by in a miniskirt with a purse with gems. But you girls don't listen!
Quote from Winston
Schmidt: How many times did you rub this thing and think a genie was gonna come out?
Winston: I ain't gonna lie to you man. I rubbed it, like, three times.
Schmidt: Yeah. I thought so.
Winston: You know, I'm not...
Schmidt: If a genie did come out, what would you wish for?
Winston: More candelabras.
Schmidt: Yeah, I bet.
Quote from Winston
Winston: I want you to have something.
Schmidt: Winston, literally, a gift is the last thing I des- This is-
Winston: There you go.
Schmidt: This is a candelabra.
Winston: Yeah. I bought it with the money that Nick owed me.
Schmidt: This is what you spent it on?
Winston: And now it's yours.
Schmidt: Uh-huh.
Winston: May it illuminate your path and lead you out of the darkness. That's what it says on the bottom.
Quote from Schmidt
Schmidt: So, yeah, I was dating both of them at the same time. I'm a mess. I can't sleep. I urinate constantly. I cried the other day listening to a techno song. My tweets have been extremely literal.
Rabbi Feiglin: Were the girls Jewish?
Schmidt: One Indian, one regular. Do you want to see a picture?
Rabbi Feiglin: I-I don't even know why you're here. You come in and say, "Do you have a minute?"
Schmidt: Okay, I'm-I'm sorry, Rabbi. It's just that... Okay, it's much more simple. How can I be a better person?
Rabbi Feiglin: Oh. Well, you seem awfully concerned with yourself. You might want to start thinking about the needs of others.
Schmidt: I think about others all the time. What- What I can get from them, how they can give me pleasure, do they have a silly little walk that I can make fun of?
Rabbi Feiglin: No, th-that's It's where you actually care about somebody else. You put their needs ahead of your own.
Schmidt: This is one of the few times that I wish I was Catholic. Couple Hail Marys and I'd be off the hook.
Rabbi Feiglin: Huh?
Quote from Winston
Nick: Sliders are beautiful.
Winston: I know, man. I knew you would think that.
Nick: I love 'em, dude.
Winston: That's why I made 'em.
[Winston starts a presentation on the TV, "You slider-ed your way into my heart!"]
Nick: What is that?
Winston: Brotherhood. Brotherhood, man.
Nick: All right, man. I respect you, man, no matter what.
Winston: That's what it's about, man.
Quote from Schmidt
Schmidt: Nicholas, good yontef. Are you well?
Nick: No, but good yontef. You know, I'm all steamed up. This money thing is tearing me apart, Schmidt.
Schmidt: All right, if it's bothering you that much, why don't you just give it away?
Nick: Son of a bitch!
Schmidt: Not, not to me, Nick, to charity, or tzedakah as my people call it.
Nick: That's what your people do?
Schmidt: Yeah.
Nick: You beautiful genius. I like that. That frees me of my worries.
Schmidt: Oh, look at that! Another mitzvah! I'm two for two today.
Nick: Yeah! Mitzvah!
Quote from Schmidt
Schmidt: I saved a man.
Nick: Oh, my God.
Schmidt: You know, there was a lowly bike messenger. Was just riding along, choking on his gum. And I performed Heimlich's maneuver on him, rescued him.
Nick: Great.
Schmidt: Yeah, who's the good man now? You're almost forced to admit it. Almost... You're almost forced to admit it.
Nick: Yeah, I know.
Schmidt: I'm a hero, Nick, now. Just tell me that I'm a good man. I really need to hear it.
Nick: I don't even know if I'm a good person. I'm not the guy to ask. I have my moods.
Schmidt: But we're not talking about you. We're talking about me right now and how I'm a good person, so it'd be really nice if you could say that.
Nick: I'm ready to do a tzatziki.
Schmidt: Tzedakah. This is not about tzedakah right now. This is about me being a good man and you telling me that.
Quote from Nick
Nick: Hey, Jess, um... It's tzatziki is what it's called. It's a Jewish charity.
Quote from Schmidt
Schmidt: What happ- What happened to him?
Man: Well, he got smoked by a bus while he was having a bake sale for cancer kids.
Schmidt: For, for canc- For cancer kids?
Man: Yeah.
Schmidt: But he-he's, he's a great person.
Man: Bad things happen to good people all the time.
Schmidt: Of course they do. What am I even chasing here? What is the point of being a good person?
Man: Some say moral integrity is the cornerstone to humanity.
Schmidt: What do you know, you idiot? You choked on a piece of gum today.
Man: Hey, man, don't shoot the bike messenger.
Schmidt: That is a terrible joke! And none of this makes any sense!
Quote from Nick
Jess: Hey, Nick. Look, I know you're really angry and you have a right to be.
Nick: I have the right to be? I mean, why do you feel like you need to fix me? It's like you think you know better.
Jess: Well, I m... I might know better than you. Did you start a corporation?
Nick: Was it Fat Face?
Jess: I think so.
Nick: Yeah.
Jess: Well, you're getting taxed like crazy.
Nick: Well, that's because I thought I was filing a patent.
Jess: Fat Face is an invention?
Nick: Kind of in its intention... It was suppo it...