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Season 2, Episode 8 -  Aired November 20, 2012

Jess's divorced parents, Joan (Jamie Lee Curtis) and Bob (Rob Reiner), come to town for Thanksgiving. Meanwhile, Schmidt battles his cousin, Big Schmidt (Rob Riggle), for the Schmidt name.

Quote from Nick

Jess: Hey, Mom. Mom, uh, Nick was just saying that your décolletage looks bewitching in that dress. Right, Nick?
Joan Day: Thank you.
Nick: [clears throat] I really like your de, uh... your de... de-college.


Quote from Schmidt

Big Schmidt: Say hello to my sister wives, Mrs. Schmidt and Mrs. Schmidt. All right, time for delts?
Schmidt: Oh, yeah?
Big Schmidt: Yeah.
Winston: I'm slowly regretting this.
Big Schmidt: Definition is for chicks, man. All right, it's all about size. I mean, look at the mass on this bitch.
Schmidt: Stupid.
Big Schmidt: What's your calf situation like?
Schmidt: Calves? Want to see some ankle circles? Look at that. Some donkey raises? One, two...

Quote from Bob Day

Bob Day: Jess, what are you doing?
Jess: Watching the game.
Bob Day: You're doing the parent trap thing again.
Jess: What? Dad...
Bob Day: 'Yes.
Jess: I have a master's degree. I'm not parent trapping.
Bob Day: You're such a liar.
Jess: Seriously, I'm not... Okay. Fine, you're right.
Bob Day: You need help.

Quote from Nick

Jess: Why do I do that? I don't understand. Every time, it never worked out. Okay, I'm calling it off. Nick.
Nick: [singing to Joan] Every time I try to tell you The words just come out wrong
Jess: Nick!
Nick & Joan: So I have to say "I love you" In a song.
Jess: Nick!
Joan Day: I love that.

Quote from Bob Day

Bob Day: You just wanted me for my body.
Joan Day: Yup.
Bob Day: And I'm fine with that.

Quote from Joan Day

Cece: Jess, you got to let it go, okay?
Jess: No, I'm not letting it go!
Cece: You have to admit that...
Jess: No. What?
Cece: they're never gonna make it work.
Jess: No.
Joan Day: And you scratched my van.
Jess: Mom, she didn't mean to scratch your van.
Joan Day: I knew it. I knew it. Didn't I tell you? I knew it.

Quote from Bob Day

Cece: Okay, the reason I was in your van is because your little JujuBe was high as a kite!
Joan Day: Oh. Oh, my God. Honey, are you an addict?
Bob Day: Oh, this is new information.
Jess: It was a brownie. I wasn't allowed to eat chocolate.
Bob Day: Yes. What, are you living with drug dealers?
Winston: When can we start eating?
Joan Day: Are you into pot? Is this a rehab?
Bob Day: What are you doing? Are you selling your body to pay for the rent?
Jess: I don't sell my body for rent, no!

Quote from Bob Day

Joan Day: Katherine cheated?
Bob Day: Yeah.
Joan Day: Oh, Bob, that's terrible, I'm so sorry.
Bob Day: Yeah.
Joan Day: No, really, I had no idea.
Bob Day: Yeah, well, yeah.
Joan Day: Oh, sorry, really. Come here, come here, let me...
Bob Day: Salmonella... Salmonella.

Quote from Jess

[flashback to young Jess and Cece in her bedroom:]
Young Jess: Mom, Dad, help, there's a man in the room. He's trying to get us to eat candy.
Bob Day: Jess, Jess. Jess? Jess, are you okay? What's the matter? Are you...?
[Jess closes her bedroom door on her mom and dad]
Bob Day: Oh, damn it, Jess, that's the second time today.

Quote from Jess

[flashback to Joan in the shower as Jess opens the shower curtain:]
Younger Jess: Smile, Mom, you still got it.
Joan Day: Jessica, what are you doing?
Younger Jess: I want him to see what he's missing.
Joan Day: You're texting your father?!

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