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Season 1, Episode 16 - Aired March 13, 2012

Jess throws off the entire ecosystem of the loft when she adds new furniture against Schmidt's wishes. Meanwhile, Nick and Winston bicker over money.

Quote from Jess

Schmidt: What the...? What is happening...? I can't take this right now. What, do we live in a pawnshop?
Jess: Hey, Schmidt.
Schmidt: [chuckles] Hey, Jess. What, uh... Where did all this come from?
Jess: I found the afghan underneath a Dumpster outside an animal shelter. And I found the lamp underneath the afghan.
Schmidt: I'm gonna assume that these are your spices jammed in here with my spices.
Jess: Yep.
Schmidt: I would really appreciate it if your non-Tahitian vanilla was not touching my Tahitian vanilla.
Jess: Oh, Schmidt, they're more than touching. [breathy voice] What's it like living in the most populous isle in French Polynesia? [French accent] I could tell you, or... I could show you. [breathy voice] Not in front of the cloves.


Quote from Winston

Winston: Hey, Nick. Look, man, I'm sorry to bother you while you're clearly sitting here working hard making lots of money.
Nick: All right.
Winston: But if you'd kindly just pause that for one second, I have a few accounts that I'd like to settle. Account number one: A $15 receipt for a Chinatown box turtle. Bam. Here we go.
Nick: We're doing this, huh?
Winston: Yeah, we are doing this. Item number two: Cancelled $35 check for registration of a domain name ... "It'" "Hey, guys, Winston, I got a good idea, man. I'm gonna be a big-time blogger."

Quote from Nick

Nick: How much does four hundred cognac and colas add up to, Winston?
Winston: You want to go there?
Nick: Yeah.
Winston: Okay. How about all the times I sat around listening to you bitch and moan about how Caroline broke your precious little heart?
Nick: Okay, in eighth grade...
Winston: Eighth grade.
Nick: You "accidentally" saw my mom naked. Before she stopped exercising and let herself get chubby. Okay? So how much is that, in terms of money? 'Cause I haven't gotten over that. And I would say four to $5,000.

Quote from Schmidt

Jess: Hey, Schmidt.
Schmidt: There's a spill.
Jess: I know. Do your exercise. You know.
Schmidt: Yeah, okay, the exercise. [clears throat] One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. I feel great. I'm gonna go take a shower with Nick's bar soap, like a common ranch hand.

Quote from Nick

Nick: Epsom salt? What, are you too good for regular salt?
Winston: You know damn well I got to soak my trick foot.
Nick: Oh, Winnie, your little trick foot.
Winston: Yeah, my trick foot, and don't ever call me Winnie.
Nick: Aw, Winnie...

Quote from Winston

Winston: Fine. You don't owe me anything. The slate is clean. We're good, we're even.
Nick: Oh, good, that's how I feel, too.
Winston: Because in my mind, your mom will always be the winner of Best Boobs.
Nick: Really, Best Boobs?
Winston: Yeah. Master's Division.
Nick: You're gonna talk about my mother? You're gonna talk about my mom's boobs?

Quote from Jess

Nick: What the hell happened to you?
Jess: I went down to the beach, and I tried to talk to Schmidt, but he just ignored me, and he went back to twirling his fire baton. He's really bad. He burned a lot of people. I feel like they should let you twirl it around a few times before they actually light it on fire.

Quote from Nick

Jess: And Nick and Winston want to say to you that they really miss you.
Nick: You're freaking me out, man. Why are you wearing that crystal around your neck?
Schmidt: Nick, the crystal symbolizes energy.
Nick: All a crystal is is rock poo, Schmidt. Look, I need you, Schmidt. Okay, I need you to tell me what pants not to wear and to exercise more often. I need you to make fun of me when I call a panini a hot sandwich. How am I ever gonna learn?

Quote from Nick

Winston: I even miss your hair chutney. Without you, man, we're just three idiots who live together. [sighs] You make us a family.
Schmidt: [chuckling] Well, I'm the cool rebel brother.
Winston: You're the mom.
Nick: The mother.
Jess: Mom.
Nick: Look, Schmidt, if you come back to us, I'll let you clean my room.
Schmidt: The white whale?
Nick: Think about how many dust bunnies are under my bed. How many stray socks.

Quote from Schmidt

Schmidt: Calvin. You magnificent wizard.

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