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Mr. Monk Stays in Bed

‘Mr. Monk Stays in Bed’

Season 4, Episode 3 - Aired July 22, 2005

With Monk in bed with the flu and Captain Stottlemeyer focused on a judge's murder, Natalie takes it upon herself to investigate the death of a pizza boy whose last stop was Monk's house.

Quote from Captain Stottlemeyer

Adrian Monk: Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. It's spreading. It's spreading. Here it comes. I can feel it, I can feel, I can feel it.
Captain Stottlemeyer: Whoa, I did not think it was possible for you to get sick. Well, that's one plucky little microbe. Yeah, for a germ, you gotta be, like, climbing mount Everest.
Adrian Monk: That's not funny. [sneezes on Stottlemeyer's hand]
Captain Stottlemeyer: Hey, look who's here. Deputy commissioner. [shakes his hand]


Quote from Julie Teeger

Julie Teeger: Mr. Monk, I bought this for you. Open it. It has a musical chip in it.
Adrian Monk: Thanks. But, uh, I really don't like the Rock 'n' Roll music.
Julie Teeger: Mr. Monk, it's not Rock 'n' Roll. It's Polly Wolly Doodle. It has a 10-year battery. How about I put it over here, so then you can see it?

Quote from Adrian Monk

Adrian Monk: No, you, you can't just leave me here.
Natalie: No, you're gonna be okay. Julie will be here.
Adrian Monk: But what if I have to blow my nose again?
Natalie: I showed her how to do the bags. I have my phone. I will be right back. Good luck, guys. [exits]
Adrian Monk: Julie, there's a pad in that second drawer. Can you get the pad and pen? Write down everything I say.
Julie Teeger: Is it a letter?
Adrian Monk: No, it's not exactly a letter. It's what we grownups call a living will.

Quote from Lieutenant Disher

Natalie: Lieutenant, the captain said you would fill me in.
Lieutenant Disher: Yeah, well, we don't know much. She owns a beach house. We're sending another forensics team down there now.
Natalie: Not the judge, the other case. Alvarez.
Lieutenant Disher: Who?
Natalie: Julio Alvarez.
Lieutenant Disher: You didn't let me finish. Who-lio Alvarez?

Quote from Captain Stottlemeyer

Captain Stottlemeyer: Hello again. Um, this is a little embarrassing, but I'm gonna have to ask for my tie back.
John DeLancy: You gave it to me.
Captain Stottlemeyer: Well, look, if you're gonna wear such a nice tie, you gotta wear it straight. [pulls the tie] You don't wear a nice tie like that crooked. Okay now, where were we? Yeah, we were talking about Jillian Garr.
John DeLancy: She cost me $2.5 million. I admit it. I lost my temper.
Lieutenant Disher: You rammed her car.
John DeLancy: I wasn't trying to hurt anybody. I was pissed off. You know, you boys are asking the wrong question here. You should be asking, "Why didn't she press charges?"
Captain Stottlemeyer: Okay, why didn't she press charges?
John DeLancy: Because she wasn't alone. There was a man with her in the car. I saw them kissing. When I hit her, he got out and ran.
Lieutenant Disher: He didn't want to be seen.
Captain Stottlemeyer: He was married. She was seeing a married guy.
John DeLancy: Good guess. Now, could you find my waiter? I'm going to need another plate.

Quote from Adrian Monk

Natalie: Eat your soup.
Adrian Monk: Oh. I see letters.
Natalie: Yeah, it's alphabet soup.
Adrian Monk: "A."
Natalie: You don't have to eat it in order.
Natalie: Where's Julie's card?
Adrian Monk: I put it in the recycle bin. They just collected it.
Natalie: Julie is so proud of that card. What am I supposed to tell her?
Adrian Monk: Tell her that recycling is important. And that together, we're saving the planet. "B."

Quote from Adrian Monk

Natalie: [on the phone] Mr. Monk, I found the guy who delivered Julie's pizza. It's definitely him. His name is Reggie Dennison.
Adrian Monk: Uh, Natalie, I've been calling you.
Natalie: I know. I didn't answer. I knew you'd try to talk me out of this.
Adrian Monk: Out of what?
Natalie: I'm in his house.
Adrian Monk: You're in his house?
Natalie: He put something in his car. I couldn't make it out. And then he drove off.
Adrian Monk: You're in his house?
Natalie: I didn't know what else to do. No one was listening to me.
Adrian Monk: Oh, Natalie, you're in his house? Listen. Get outta there. And... Can you pick up some cough drops on your way back? But get outta there! Don't forget the cough drops.

Quote from Adrian Monk

Adrian Monk: [on the phone] Is, is, is there blood?
Natalie: Um, no. That's weird. There's no shower curtain.
Adrian Monk: Is there a light switch on the wall?
Natalie: Yes.
Adrian Monk: Is it on or off?
Natalie: It's off.
Adrian Monk: Well, switch it on. Be careful. Use a wipe or something.
Natalie: It's blood.
Adrian Monk: Oh, yeah, they always forget the light switch. [coughs]

Quote from Natalie

Natalie: What about the pizza box?
Captain Stottlemeyer: Well, if we could find the pizza box, and it came from Monk's house, and it has his fingerprints on it, well then, it's a slam dunk.
Lieutenant Disher: We're not gonna find it. Forget it. I talked to the manager. I mean, they don't keep any records. They could've dumped it anywhere. I mean, look at this place. There's two more warehouses, and there's more outside.
Adrian Monk: Ssh.
Captain Stottlemeyer: What?
Adrian Monk: Shhh, everybody. Polly Wolly Doodle.
Natalie: Oh, my God, it's Julie's card. It has a musical chip.
Captain Stottlemeyer: Wait, wait, wait. Don't open it. Wait for forensics.
Natalie: You got outta bed? You took a taxi? In your bathrobe. [chuckles] Mitch was right. The great ones play hurt.

Quote from Adrian Monk

Adrian Monk: Excuse me, doctor. Can I talk to you?
Criminalist: Can it wait? I just found an eyelash. It might belong to the killer.
Adrian Monk: Please, it's very important.
Criminalist: I'll be right with you.
Adrian Monk: Sir, it really can't wait.
Criminalist: What is it?
Adrian Monk: Do I feel warm to you?

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