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Quote from Adrian Monk in Mr. Monk Stays in Bed

Natalie: [on the phone] Mr. Monk, I found the guy who delivered Julie's pizza. It's definitely him. His name is Reggie Dennison.
Adrian Monk: Uh, Natalie, I've been calling you.
Natalie: I know. I didn't answer. I knew you'd try to talk me out of this.
Adrian Monk: Out of what?
Natalie: I'm in his house.
Adrian Monk: You're in his house?
Natalie: He put something in his car. I couldn't make it out. And then he drove off.
Adrian Monk: You're in his house?
Natalie: I didn't know what else to do. No one was listening to me.
Adrian Monk: Oh, Natalie, you're in his house? Listen. Get outta there. And... Can you pick up some cough drops on your way back? But get outta there! Don't forget the cough drops.

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