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Quote from Natalie in Mr. Monk Stays in Bed

Natalie: What about the pizza box?
Captain Stottlemeyer: Well, if we could find the pizza box, and it came from Monk's house, and it has his fingerprints on it, well then, it's a slam dunk.
Lieutenant Disher: We're not gonna find it. Forget it. I talked to the manager. I mean, they don't keep any records. They could've dumped it anywhere. I mean, look at this place. There's two more warehouses, and there's more outside.
Adrian Monk: Ssh.
Captain Stottlemeyer: What?
Adrian Monk: Shhh, everybody. Polly Wolly Doodle.
Natalie: Oh, my God, it's Julie's card. It has a musical chip.
Captain Stottlemeyer: Wait, wait, wait. Don't open it. Wait for forensics.
Natalie: You got outta bed? You took a taxi? In your bathrobe. [chuckles] Mitch was right. The great ones play hurt.

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