Harold Krenshaw Quotes     Page 3 of 5    

Quote from Mr. Monk Fights City Hall

Adrian Monk: Harold, she can't do that. It's too late, right?
Harold Krenshaw: In point of fact, it's not too late at all. This is only a recess. The meeting hasn't been officially adjourned. So the vote isn't final. Read the bylaws.
Adrian Monk: I read the bylaws.
Harold Krenshaw: Well, read them again. Let's reconvene the meeting. We're gonna be voting again. Uh, for the record, I don't think you're a dolt.
Adrian Monk: Maria.
Harold Krenshaw: Your boss looks pretty depressed. May I suggest that you call his new therapist? What was his name again?
Natalie: Dr. Bell.
Harold Krenshaw: Dr. Bell. See you in the waiting room.


Quote from Mr. Monk Goes to Group Therapy

Dr. Bell: All right, deep breath. Good. Adrian, in our last private session, we talked a bit about claustrophobia. I think that's a good place to start, since that's a condition that all of you have in common.
Harold Krenshaw: Not me.
Adrian Monk: Oh, please.
Harold Krenshaw: I mean, not anymore. I used to hate tight spaces, but Neven cured me.
Dr. Bell: Really? You're cured? But you never mentioned that.
Harold Krenshaw: I was about to when Adrian walked in. You know what did it? Visualization. That was really great advice, Dr. B. I visualized a door, and then I visualized a key to the door.
Dr. Bell: Well, that's great. I'm really happy for you.
Harold Krenshaw: Well, I couldn't have done it without you, Doc. You're a God. Thank you. Gracias. Merci beaucoup. Danke schoen. Spasibo. Arigato! Cam on anh. That's, Vietnamese.

Quote from Mr. Monk Goes to Group Therapy

Adrian Monk: I tried it. Visualization, the key and the door. It didn't work.
Harold Krenshaw: Why don't you have your assistant visualize it for you?
Augie Wellman: You have an assistant?
Dr. Bell: Yes, Adrian has a very difficult job, which requires an assistant. He's a decorated police detective. He's a real hero.
Harold Krenshaw: What about us? I mean, we're out there all alone, assistant-less. We have no help. We have no one to lean on. We're the real heroes.
Augie Wellman: I think Barbara's the lucky one. She doesn't have to deal with any of this crap anymore.
Dr. Bell: Yeah, I know. And I'm gonna miss her too. We all miss her. We'll be grieving for a long time.
Harold Krenshaw: [sighs] I wish I had an assistant. She could grieve for me.
Adrian Monk: What is your problem?
Harold Krenshaw: What is your problem?

Quote from Mr. Monk Goes to Group Therapy

Harold Krenshaw: Please stop touching me.
Adrian Monk: I'm not touch- You're touching me.
Harold Krenshaw: I'm not touching you. You're touching me. Just stay on your side.
Adrian Monk: I'm- I don't have a side!
Harold Krenshaw: Just back up four or five millimeters. Okay, that's your side. Now, this is my side. From that end of the spare tire. To the jumper cables. Stay over there, and we'll be fine.
Adrian Monk: My side's carpeted.
Harold Krenshaw: My side's quieter.
Adrian Monk: That's impossible.
Harold Krenshaw: Your side has the muffler, so my side is quieter.
Adrian Monk: Oh, grow up!
Harold Krenshaw: You grow up.
Adrian Monk: I don't feel like it.

Quote from Mr. Monk and the Election

Captain Stottlemeyer: Nobody is accusing anybody of anything here. This is just a friendly conversation. In fact, I bought some doughnuts. Mr. Krenshaw, do you know why you're here?
Harold Krenshaw: Well, it's pretty obvious. [rearranges donuts] I'm running for school board against Natalie Teeger and somebody took a shot at her.
Captain Stottlemeyer: A security guard was killed.
Harold Krenshaw: I heard about that. I'm sorry.
Captain Stottlemeyer: Do you own a gun, Mr. Krenshaw?
Harold Krenshaw: Yes, I do. My father was a a hunter. He bought me a Remington rifle when I was a kid.
Captain Stottlemeyer: Just the Remington?
Harold Krenshaw: That's right.
Adrian Monk: Are you a good shot?
Harold Krenshaw: I'm an exceptional shot.

Quote from Mr. Monk and the Election

Harold Krenshaw: [on TV] There are so many people that l- I want to thank. My secret weapon, my beautiful wife, Clarissa. I love you, honey. Thank you. But most of all, I want to thank my good friend and my therapist, Dr. Charles Kroger. Chuck, come on.
Adrian Monk: Chuck?
Harold Krenshaw: No, come on, come on. Thank you. God bless you.
Natalie: You okay?
Adrian Monk: Uh, I'd like to go home now.
Natalie: All right, all right, let me just get my purse.
Julie Teeger: Come on, Mr. Monk. This way.
Natalie: It's okay, it's okay. I got you.
Adrian Monk: Did you hear that? He called him "Chuck."

Quote from Mr. Monk and the Daredevil

Adrian Monk: 11:02, Harold.
Harold Krenshaw: Sorry. I guess we lost track of the time.
Adrian Monk: I heard you crying.
Harold Krenshaw: I was not crying.
Adrian Monk: I heard you, Harold, through the wall.
Harold Krenshaw: We were laughing, you idiot. We were laughing. I told him a joke, and we both just started laughing.
Adrian Monk: He doesn't laugh.
Harold Krenshaw: Yes, he does. He doesn't laugh with you.

Quote from Mr. Monk and the Daredevil

Adrian Monk: Go to hell, Harold.
Harold Krenshaw: You go to hell!
Adrian Monk: The only reason I would even consider going to hell would be to visit you.
Harold Krenshaw: You are really a sad, sad man. I don't know why Dr. Kroger even bothers.
Adrian Monk: [mimics a baby crying]
Harold Krenshaw: I wasn't crying. I wasn't crying. Natalie.
Natalie: Good-bye, Harold.
Harold Krenshaw: Bye.

Quote from Mr. Monk and the Daredevil

Harold Krenshaw: Look at me. I'm a hero sandwich!
Journalist: You were telling us about the accident.
Harold Krenshaw: The last thing I remember, I was almost at the top, which we call "the summit," and I lost my footing. I must've slipped.
Journalist: You had a parachute. Why didn't you?
Harold Krenshaw: It happened so quick. I wasn't thinking. Next time, I'll know better.
Journalist: So there will be a next time?
Harold Krenshaw: I'd better not say. Are there any cops in here?

Quote from Mr. Monk and the Daredevil

Sara Hollins: The kids just adore you. You're all they talk about. We've been waiting downstairs all day. They wanted to give you this.
Molly: It's a picture of you.
Harold Krenshaw: That's me, huh? Well, I hope not. Look at the size of my head.
Joey Krenshaw: I'm surprised you can stand up. [both laugh]
Harold Krenshaw: I know. I know. And what is that?
Evan: The Golden Gate Bridge.
Harold Krenshaw: Really? What's keeping it up, magic? Because I don't see any suspension cables. Joey, you got a pen? yeah. What's the matter with you? Okay. Now it's a bridge.
Joey Krenshaw: It's basic physics.
Sara Hollins: They're only six years old.
Harold Krenshaw: They're not gonna learn any younger. That's what my uncle ronnie always says.
Joey Krenshaw: What's this, a bird? My God, it must be 20 feet long.
Harold Krenshaw: Yeah, it looks like mothra. Remember that old movie? [both squawk]
Sara Hollins: You're on the school board?
Harold Krenshaw: Yeah.

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