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Yard Sale

‘Yard Sale’

Season 4, Episode 6 - Aired October 31, 2012

Jay and Gloria hold a yard sale to help Manny and Luke raise money for charity. When everybody makes fun off his unusual mode of transport, Phil feels pressured to buy Jay's old motorcycle. Claire drafts in Mitchell and Cameron when she's convinced Alex's boyfriend might be gay. Meanwhile, Manny uncovers an old secret of Gloria's.

Quote from Claire

Cameron: Well, well, well. What is this all about? Is there a-a new man in Alex's life?
Claire: Well, she certainly thinks so. Is there any way that boy is straight?
Mitchell: Ooh, what's going on? Who are we looking at?
Claire: Uh, it's Alex's new "boyfriend" Michael.
Mitchell: What's up with the air quotes?
Cameron: She thinks he's gay.
Claire: I "think" he's gay she same way I "think" that lamp is hideous.
Cameron: Okay, brought it, made it in art class.


Quote from Claire

Claire: Look, I like Michael. I really do. I just- I don't want her to get her heart broken. When it comes to boys, her self-esteem is low enough as it is.
Cameron: I don't know. Alex seems pretty darn tough.
Claire: Oh, she's just sarcastic on the outside. Inside, she's just a fragile little girl.
Mitchell: By all means, look right at me when you say that.
Claire: If she wants to get her heart broken by a gay guy, she can do so when she's 18 or 19 and can drink her way through it.
Mitchell: Aw. You're a "good mother".

Quote from Cameron

Cameron: I don't know, Claire. You could be wrong. Boys aren't as concerned about traditional masculinity any more. You know, they're not butching it up. They're not pushing down their feelings.
Mitchell: Yeah, they care about their clothes. They- They- They groom. Everybody's hairless. Yeah, you can't tell anything any more.
Claire: Really?
Alex: Uncle Mitch, Uncle Cam, this is Michael.
Mitchell: Hi.
Cameron: Hello.
Michael: [camp voice] Hi!
Alex: Okay, come on.
Mitchell: Yep, he's gay.
Cameron: We stand corrected.

Quote from Phil

Phil: [aside to camera] I know I looked super cool on the outside, but on the inside, I was terrified. And then I remembered that Fonzie once put together a whole motorcycle while blind. And I thought, that was a great show, and I got really distracted and- And I forgot I was scared. So I headed up the canyon and I left the city behind. I'd never felt so exhilarated. I don't know exactly when it happened, but somewhere on that lonely road, the bike and I became one. Oh. Oh, no. No. Oh, you're heavy! No! Uh-oh!

Quote from Luke

Luke: Lock the door. Okay, let's do this.
Manny: No matter what we find in here, I will always love my mother.
Luke: Even if it's a head?
Manny: It's not a head. [opens box] Oh, my God! It's a head! Ah!
Luke: Finally!

Quote from Mitchell

Cameron: Mitchell! I was just in the car, and I found my fat pants in there. Do you know anything about that?
Mitchell: What? No! No. Did you forget to put 'em out?
Cameron: No. Remember? I posed, people clapped I had my moment.
Mitchell: I do remember that. That- Oh, that was a great moment. I am so proud of you.
Cameron: What's going on? You're being weird.
Mitchell: What? First, I'm a pants thief and- and now I can't pay you a compliment? You know who's being weird? You. Here comes Claire! Hey, girl!
Claire: I don't know what that was.

Quote from Cameron

Claire: Okay, I just saw Alex and Michael sittin' in a tree. Don't make me spell this out for you.
Mitchell: Well, what can you do?
Claire: I can't do anything, but you two could talk to her.
Mitchell: And tell her what?
Claire: Michael's playing for the pink team.
Cameron: Okay, we get to say that. You don't really.

Quote from Cameron

Claire: Can we get back to my problem?
Mitchell: You don't have a problem, okay? They're kids. They're gonna work it out.
Claire: [to Cameron] Can you talk to her?
Cameron: Not when she's like this. Oh, you mean Alex.
Claire: Mm-hmm.
Cameron: Yeah. I'll do it.

Quote from Phil

Phil: [recording] Claire, kids, if you're seeing this, then they found my body. Or I finally got a signal and I sent it to you in an e-mail. Although in that case, I'd just call. But sometimes you can actually get a pretty decent data signal and no voice. I know I'm not making any sense. I've been trapped out here now for 27 minutes. I'm such an idiot. Why did I bring this stupid motorcycle out here? To prove I'm a man? I am a man. [spits up bug]

Quote from Luke

Manny: Mom.
Gloria: Manny, what is this doing here?
Luke: If you don't mind, we'll be asking the questions now.
Gloria: I do mind.
Luke: I apologize.

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