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Nag Hammadi Is Where They Found the Gnostic Gospels

‘Nag Hammadi Is Where They Found the Gnostic Gospels’

Season 4, Episode 13 - Aired February 10, 2004

Rory isn't sure how to react now Jess is back in town and avoiding her. Meanwhile, Lorelai tries to get Luke to fix a broken window during a cold spell.

Quote from Babette

Babette: The festival should be quite a shindig. Just watching Kirk trying to get those stars hung was worth the price of admission. You know, he insisted on demonstrating the correct way to hang 'em and treed himself. It took the fire department and two cans of tuna to get him down.
Rory: I hate that I missed that.


Quote from Jess

Luke: But Jess, don't you think that we should discuss this?
Jess: Discuss what?
Luke: T.J.
Jess: I thought we just did.
Luke: But we didn't come up with a solution.
Jess: A solution to what?
Luke: Are we having the same conversation? A solution to him.
Jess: A solution would have been birth control. Too late, move on.

Quote from Lorelai

Lorelai: Wow. I wonder where Demi and Ashton are sitting.

Quote from Emily

Emily: What is Rory doing here?
Rory: Hi, Grandma.
Emily: You weren't supposed to bring Rory.
Lorelai: You're really helping the kid's self-esteem here, Mom.
Emily: You don't know one man that would be willing to spend the evening with you?
Lorelai: I thought you liked Rory.
Emily: We do like Rory but we're short of men.
Lorelai: Well so am I.
Emily: Honestly, Lorelai. It's not your looks that keep them away. Think about that.

Quote from Lorelai

Rory: So who else is joining us?
Emily: No one. We brought one of Richard's coats to hang over the chair.
Richard: We're saying it's Marjorie's husband.
Emily: He's making the rounds and at about eight he'll get sick and have to leave.
Richard: Does everybody understand the story?
Lorelai: I think so. But then we'll have to hide his jacket. So I suggest I put it under my dress and pretend to be pregnant, then Jason can pretend to be the doctor, then Rory can dig a tunnel, and...
Emily: I might have known you'd turn this into something ridiculous, Lorelai.
Lorelai: Yeah, I wanna be the doctor.

Quote from Rory

Lorelai: I'm going to make out in the coatroom. Don't eat my chicken.
Rory: That's going on your tombstone.

Quote from Lorelai

Lorelai: Wow, who would have thought I would ever put my mother next to someone and think, "warm?"

Quote from Jess

Rory: You know, I have actually thought about this moment. A lot. What would Jess say to me I ever saw him again? I mean, he just took off, no note, no call, nothing, how could he explain that? And then a year goes by. No word, nothing, so he couldn't possibly have a good excuse for that, right? I have imagined hundreds of different scenarios with a hundred different great last parting lines, and I have to tell you that I am actually very curious to see which way this is going to go.
Jess: Could we sit down?
Rory: No. You wanted to talk, so talk. What do you have to say to me?
Jess: [sighs] I love you.
[Jess walks away, gets in his car and drives off]

Quote from Rory

Rory: Yeah, why is it so cold in here?
Lorelai: I broke that stupid window trying to lock it last night.
Rory: Well, get it fixed, woman.
Lorelai: I left Luke a message just now. He'll do it.
Rory: Before or after the re-enactment of Alive?
Lorelai: Hopefully before.

Quote from Lorelai

Lorelai: So...
Rory: What?
Lorelai: Just wondering what you're thinking about.
Rory: I'm thinking about nothing.
Lorelai: Nothing wouldn't happen to wear a leather jacket and be able to pull off an extremely convincing "Adrian!" would it?

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