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Nag Hammadi Is Where They Found the Gnostic Gospels

‘Nag Hammadi Is Where They Found the Gnostic Gospels’

Season 4, Episode 13 - Aired February 10, 2004

Rory isn't sure how to react now Jess is back in town and avoiding her. Meanwhile, Lorelai tries to get Luke to fix a broken window during a cold spell.

Quote from Richard

Richard: Jason, I just heard your father was here.
Lorelai: How could you possibly have found that out this quickly?
Richard: News travels fast here. People talk. So, what did Floyd say?
Jason: Well...
Emily: Richard, Floyd was just here.
Lorelai: We know, Mom, we saw him.


Quote from Lorelai

Jason: Richard, I don't think he had an agenda.
Richard: What was his body language like?
Lorelai: Well, he was breathing and standing. I think all signs point to alive.

Quote from Kirk

Kirk: [over walkie-talkie] This is Bird Dog One to Bird Dog Two. The southwest corner is secure.
Joe: I'm at the southwest corner, Kirk.
Kirk: Then where the hell am I?

Quote from Luke

Carrie: Wait, we're all going to the Styx/REO Speedwagon/Journey concert next week. We have an extra ticket if you're interested.
Luke: Oh, wow. If it was just Styx and REO Speedwagon, I'd be there, but Journey freaks me out. Sorry. Enjoy the festival.

Quote from Rory

Rory: I am starving.
Lorelai: What? The possibly beef and some sort of cream sauce did nothing to curb your appetite?
Rory: Do you want to start with burgers or do a cart-to-cart attack?
Lorelai: Well, there's two of us. I think we can accomplish both goals.
Rory: I'm going to get the burgers, you hit the carts.
Lorelai: I'll meet you by the bonfire.

Quote from Luke

Lorelai: So, I just heard the tail end of that conversation and I'm assuming you haven't changed your name to Richard?
Luke: Long, long story. I'll tell you later, but here's a teaser: the word Etch-A-Sketch comes up.
Lorelai: I'm hooked.

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