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The One with Ross's Grant

‘The One with Ross's Grant’

Season 10, Episode 6 - Aired November 6, 2003

After Ross applies for a science grant, he finds out that Charlie's ex-boyfriend is in charge of reviewing the applications. Meanwhile, Rachel and Monica fight over who gets Phoebe's disturbing artistic creation, and Joey asks Chandler to get him an audition for a commercial he's working on.

Quote from Ross

Benjamin Hobart: I can't believe that you chose this restaurant. Do you remember the night?
Charlie: Oh, my God. I completely forgot. Oh, my God, I can't believe they let us back in this place.
[Ross joins Charlie and Benjamin in laughing]
Benjamin Hobart: You weren't there.
Ross: No, but, you know, it's just a funny image. You know, the two of you in this restaurant with the hmm...


Quote from Ross

Benjamin Hobart: So tell me about it.
Ross: Okay. Well, I would like to do a dig in the Painted Desert. See, there are still several areas that haven't been fully excavated.
Benjamin Hobart: Break up with Charlie.
Ross: What?
Benjamin Hobart: What?
Ross: Did you just say, "Break up with Charlie"?
Benjamin Hobart: Well, yes and no. Yes, I did say it. And no, I didn't not say it.
Ross: Um, kind of inappropriate, don't you think?
Benjamin Hobart: Listen, I'm sorry. I just haven't seen her for so long, all these feelings are rushing back. I'm starting to realize how much I've missed her. And I'm gonna need you to break up with her.
Ross: Are you serious?
Benjamin Hobart: If you say, yes, then I'm serious. If you say, no, then I'm joking.
Ross: No.
Benjamin Hobart: Joking it is.

Quote from Phoebe

Monica: Hey, how'd it go with Mike? Is he gonna let you keep the painting?
Phoebe: No, he really hates it. But he's gonna let me keep my box of human hair. So you gotta pick your battles.

Quote from Monica

Phoebe: But the good news is, Gladys is yours.
Monica: Wow, what's the bad news?

Quote from Ross

Ross: What? Wait just a minute. None of my questions have anything to do with paleontology.
Benjamin Hobart: You're right, I apologize for that. Scratch the last question. Spell "Boscodictiasaur."
Ross: I've never heard of a "Boscodictiasaur."
Benjamin Hobart: Yeah, I just made it up. Spell it.
Ross: Okay. B-O-
Benjamin Hobart: No, it starts with a silent M.
Ross: Oh, come on!

Quote from Chandler

Chandler: I can't believe Joey. I hate being called a liar.
Rachel: But you are a liar.
Chandler: What did I just say?

Quote from Rachel

Phoebe: Well, Gladys, say hello to your new home.
Monica: Oh, my.
Rachel: Wow. Oh, she is so nice and big. Oh, Monica, where are you going to display Gladys, oh, so proudly?
Monica: I haven't really settled on a spot yet.
Rachel: Well, hey, how about right above the TV? That way, it will be the first thing that you see when you walk in the door.
Phoebe: Yeah, yeah, and you can get rid of that French poster.
Monica: I like that poster.
Phoebe: Really? It doesn't have anything coming out of it.
Phoebe: Or maybe there's someplace for her in your bedroom?
Rachel: Oh, there's nothing above your bed.
Monica: Are you still here?

Quote from Ross

Ross: Oh, hi. Hello. Have you come to ask me some more paleontology-related questions? Your grandmother's nickname, perhaps? Ann-Margaret's pant size?
Benjamin Hobart: I've come here to apologize. I think I may have let my feelings for Charlie interfere with the interview process.
Ross: No. Stop!
Benjamin Hobart: Anyway, I decided to offer you the grant.
Ross: Really?
Benjamin Hobart: Well, there is just one small stipulation.
Ross: I have to break up with Charlie?
Benjamin Hobart: Hey, you got one right.
Ross: You're crazy.
Benjamin Hobart: Crazy or romantic?
Ross: Crazy.
Benjamin Hobart: Or?
Ross: Get out!

Quote from Monica

Monica: Hey, I sold that to Joey.
Rachel: Yeah, well, I told him it's haunted. Two can play at this game.
Monica: No. Too late. You can't give it back.
Rachel: Oh, yes, I can.
Monica: No, you can't, she's yours.
Rachel: She's yours.
Monica: She's yours.
Rachel: She's yours.
Phoebe: Hey.
Rachel: She's mine.
Monica: She's mine.
Rachel: She's mine.
Monica: She's mine.
Phoebe: You guys, you don't have to fight over her anymore. Whoever doesn't get Gladys, gets Glynnis.
Rachel: I want Gladys.
Monica: She's mine.
Rachel: She's mine.
Monica: She's mine.

Quote from Chandler

Monica: Oh, my God.
Rachel: Oh, excellent.
Joey: Now what do you say?
Chandler: Lying is wrong.
Joey: And? And?!
Chandler: I'm a pretty little girl.
Phoebe: I knew it.

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