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The One with Ross's Denial

‘The One with Ross's Denial’

Season 6, Episode 3 -  Aired October 7, 1999

Even as Ross denies still being in love with Rachel, he invites her to move in with him. Meanwhile, Monica and Chandler's plans to live together are thrown in doubt when they argue over the spare bedroom, and Joey attempts to find a new roommate.

Quote from Ross

Ross: Now, Chandler, you want to live with Monica, right?
Chandler: Yeah, I do.
Ross: And, Mon, you want to live with Chandler?
Monica: Yes.
Ross: Good. A verbal contract is binding in the state of New York.


Quote from Rachel

Ross: Why would it be weird?
Rachel: Well, you know, because of us. Because of our history.
Ross: No.
Rachel: No?
Ross: No, no. It would only be weird if we were still in "that place." I mean, are you still in that place?
Rachel: No, not at all.
Ross: Good. Me neither. So it's not a problem. We're just two friends who happen to be roommates.
Rachel: Okay, but, Ross, eventually you and I are going to be dating.
Ross: Really? We are?
Rachel: Well, yeah. I'm gonna have a boyfriend and you're gonna have a girlfriend.
Ross: Oh. That'd be great.
Rachel: But you know, if you think it's gonna be okay, we'll just work out a system. You know, it'll be like in college. I'll hang a hanger on the door and put a sign: "Come back later. I'm getting lucky."
Ross: [laughs] Yeah, I didn't think of that.

Quote from Chandler

Monica: You still want to move in together, right?
Chandler: Of course.
Monica: Ross didn't scare you?
Chandler: Scared me out of ever wanting to live with him.

Quote from Monica

Chandler: I want to show you something too.
Monica: Okay.
Chandler: You know those big road signs that say "merge"?
Monica: Uh-huh.
Chandler: Well, I was thinking we could get one of those signs and hang it over our bed. Because that's you and I together. "Merge."
Monica: Oh, my God. I love that.
Chandler: Really?
Monica: "No."

Quote from Phoebe

Joey: Uh, listen, Ross. You really think this moving in with Rachel is a good idea?
Ross: I've been back and forth.
Joey: Yeah, well, maybe you should go back. Okay. Rachel moves in, and before you know it, you're right where you don't want to be, back together.
Ross: Yeah, I don't think so. She's already talking about dating other guys.
Joey: That's not going to work out. Then she's going to come home all weepy and you'll be telling her, "Oh, that's okay. You'll find someone." And then, bam. She finds you.
Ross: Huh. Okay. Maybe you're right.
Joey: I am telling you, Ross, she is definitely gonna fall in love with you again. Now, is that what you want?
Ross: [scoffs] Is that what I want?
Phoebe: [over microphone] Yes.

Quote from Joey

Joey: Rach, why don't you just move in with me?
Ross: Whoa, whoa. Whoa, Joey.
Joey: Look, Rach, I know I scared you off with that whole naked-Thursdays thing, but we don't have to do that.
Rachel: Well, it would be easier to move just right across the hall. Wait a minute, unless you're thinking about naked Wednesdays.
Joey: Thursday's clearly not good for you. Pick a day.

Quote from Joey

Joey: Okay, there have been a lot of people interested in the room. But I have narrowed it down, and you're one of the finalists.
Woman: Great.
Joey: Now, before I decide, I just want to be sure our personalities match. So I made up a little test. Now, I'm gonna say a word, and then you say the first thing that comes to mind.
Woman: I can do that.
Joey: Okay, here we go. Pillow.
Woman: Fight.
Joey: Very good. "G."
Woman: String?
Joey: Excellent. Okay. Doggy.
Woman: Kitten?
Joey: Ooh, sorry. No, no, no. So close, though. Bye-bye.

Quote from Joey

Joey: Everything on your application looks really good. Oh, just one last question. Are you and your friends be over here all the time, like, partying and hanging out?
Woman: Oh, don't worry. I'm not really a party girl.
Joey: Whoa. Now, don't just be blurting stuff out. I want you to really think about your answers.

Quote from Phoebe

Phoebe: Of course not. Because you're in love with her.
Ross: I am not in love with her. She was very upset about having to move out, so I didn't tell her we were still married, because she'd only get more upset. So I comforted her. As a friend.
Phoebe: What do you mean "comforted her"?
Ross: It was nothing. I just gave her a hug.
Phoebe: Aha! A classic sign of love, the hug.
Ross: It's also a sign of friendship.
Phoebe: Not in your case, "Lovey Loverson."

Quote from Joey

Joey: Hey, some guy just called for you.
Chandler: Who was it?
Joey: I don't know. How about "Thanks for taking the message"? Geez.

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