Marie Barone Quotes     Page 47 of 49    

Quote from The Finale

Debra: Your throat hurts, doesn't it?
Ray: No. No, look, I want a second opinion.
Debra: This is your third opinion.
Ray: Look, those doctors, they just want money. I don't trust them. I want an expert.
Marie: [enters] I got your message, Raymond. Don't let them touch you!
Ray: I won't, Mom. I won't.


Quote from Tasteless Frank

Marie: Oh. Here you go, Raymond.
Ray: Ma, I don't need these. [hands Ray the herbal pills]
Marie: No, not for that. For Debra's cooking.

Quote from The Family Bed

Marie: Frank, get in here. Your eggs are getting cold. If he thinks I'm gonna warm them up for him, he's got another thing coming.
Robert: You tell him, Ma. You're not his slave girl.
Marie: Ah, you're damn right.
Robert: I'm here for you, Ma.

Quote from The Family Bed

Marie: Now you come down. Are you happy? Those eggs have been sitting there for half an hour and I am not warming them up. [Frank eats] How can you eat them? They're stone-cold!
Frank: They're fine.
Marie: Give me them. I'm warming them up.

Quote from The Family Bed

Ray: Ma, Ally eats fine, okay? It's just we have to get her back in her own bed, that's all. We got all the books.
Frank: Books? Ha!
Marie: I needed no books when I was raising you kids. No. And my parents didn't use them, either.
Ray: Ah, good, I come from a long line of illiterates.
Marie: Raymond, dear, to raise children, all you need is love and common sense.

Quote from The Family Bed

Marie: Are you sure this is going to be all right with Debra?
Ray: Listen, she's going to thank me for a good night's sleep and it'll prove to her that it doesn't have to be one of us in here and we have other options, and... You got to be out of here by 5 a.m.
Marie: I'm happy to help.
Ray: Yeah, okay. What are you doing? Where are you going?
Marie: I have to use the bathroom.
Ray: Now? I told you to go before you came over.
Marie: I didn't have to go then.
Ray: Oh, great. So now the whole plan just blows up because you couldn't go when you were supposed to?
Marie: I'm sorry. Can I go now, Raymond?
Ray: All right.
Marie: Thanks, Raymond.
Ray: And no humming.

Quote from The Family Bed

Debra: Ray, I think that's for you. [knocking on door] Ray, Ally's at the door.
Ray: Well, of course it's Ally. [loudly] Go to sleep, Ally. Huh, remember what we talked about. I'll see you in the morning.
Frank: [enters] Where's Marie?
Debra: Frank!
Frank: I just got back from the lodge. I can't find Marie anywhere.
Debra: Well, she's not here.
Ray: That's right, Debra. You're right.
Ally: [o.s.] Mommy.
Debra: Ally, are you okay?
Ally: Mommy, Grandma turned into a monster!
Debra: Grandma?
Marie: Oh, Ally, honey. Come here, baby. It's just me with some cold cream.

Quote from Confronting the Attacker

Marie: Is that what you're wearing to dinner, Robert?
Ray: What the hell, man?
Robert: I don't feel like going out tonight.
Amy: Why, what's wrong?
Robert: Nothing. Person doesn't want to eat, he doesn't have to eat.
Marie: That's not true.

Quote from The Ingrate

Marie: It was the best speech I have ever heard.
Frank: Ah, you just liked it because you got a big special mention.
Marie: Did l? I didn't notice.

Quote from Turkey or Fish

Marie: Happy Thanksgiving!
Ray: Ma, what are you doing?
Marie: Well, Debra insisted on cooking a fish. So I cooked a turkey, in case people want to eat.

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