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Weight Loss

‘Weight Loss’

Season 5, Episode 1 - Aired September 25, 2008

Over eight weeks of summer, Dunder Mifflin encourages its staff to lose weight. Meanwhile, Michael tries to form a friendship with Holly, Pam heads to New York for art school, Andy struggles to get Angela to settle on any wedding plans, and Ryan returns to Scranton in a new role.

Quote from Angela

Angela: I have a nice comforter and several cozy pillows. I usually read a chapter of a book, and it's lights out by 8:30. That's how I sleep at night.


Quote from Michael Scott

Michael Scott: No way! Pam Beesly! Hey, everybody, look, Pam! Pam! Say hi! Say hi to Pam. Don't we all look skinny? Almost dropped you.
Pam: [on video chat] Can you put me down? I'm getting nauseous.
Michael Scott: Pam, I would like you to meet Ronnie. We call her Rice-a-ronnie. She is hilarious. She is wonderful.
A beam of light in this dark, dark office. [whispering] Not really so much. All she does is plop herself down there and answer phones all day.
Pam: The nerve.
Michael Scott: Oh, calm down, weirdo. It's just a joke. She's such a weirdo! You know what? My real beef with her, though, Pam? Is that she can't find those little colored paperclips I like so much. Would you help her find 'em, please?
Pam: They're on the supply shelf.
Michael Scott: Let's go. We are following Pam to the supply shelf. Let us go.
Pam: New York is so exciting. I love my classes. The city's awesome. Uh. Can you give me back to Jim now, please?

Quote from Phyllis

Phyllis: Angela, you'll go to the supermarket and get the New York cheesecake. Make sure it's the generic one.
It's Stanley's favorite.
[aside to camera:]
Phyllis: Yes, I've replaced Angela as head of the party planning committee. I guess I was just in the right place at the right time.

Quote from Michael Scott

Jim: All right, I'm taking off.
Michael Scott: Booty call.
Jim: Nope, just going to see Pam. Maybe put up some shelves.
Michael Scott: Wait a second. I don't want you to end up with a surprise pregnancy like me.
Jim: OK, thank you for this.
Michael Scott: You want more?
Jim: No.

Quote from Jim

Jim: Some girl came into Pam's room crying about her roommate stealing her soy milk. So I'm in here waiting it out.

Quote from Michael Scott

Ryan: And you got a goatee.
Michael Scott: I did.
Ryan: Did you get that after you helped me move and you saw mine?
Michael Scott: Yes. Gooo-atee!

Quote from Darryl

Darryl: Well, you lost zero pounds. No change. On the brighter side, you gained zero pounds.

Quote from Michael Scott

Holly: Dieting's only half of it.
Michael Scott: Saunas.
Holly: And exercise. Although I know everybody loves going to the gym.
Michael Scott: Ah. The dreadmill.

Quote from Michael Scott

Michael Scott: Okay. Michael Klump wants to remind you that corporate- Their idea, yes, was to urge you to lose weight. But more importantly, what this whole thing is about, this contest is really about being healthy and in order to be healthy, you have to eat, Kelly. Kelly, I want you to stand up on your chair. Come on, stand up on your chair. Stand up, stand up, stand up. Somebody help her. Here we go. I want you to look at her. She's a beautiful Indian woman. Why? What makes her beautiful?
Ryan: Everything. She's perfect.
Meredith: I like her nails.
Michael Scott: Okay, be more specific.
Meredith: I like her fingernails.
Phyllis: I like her purple dress.
Michael Scott: What about her looks?
Creed: Hell of an ass.

Quote from Michael Scott

Michael Scott: Kelly, will you just agree to stop this madness and stop trying to kill yourself?
Kelly: I hate dieting. I hate it so much. I hate this worm inside of me!
Michael Scott: I want you to know- Kelly, look at me. I want you to know that you are beautiful. You are truly, truly beautiful. Give me a hug.

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